No, applesauce is not clear or liquid. This article discusses several types of liquid diets and whether. Being sober will help ensure you properly follow prep instructions the morning of your colonoscopy so you don't have to reschedule it. It can also give the digestive system a chance to rest after an illness. There are other clear liquids you can drink like juice and milk. Black coffee is considered a clear liquid. The day before your procedure, it is typically required that all drinks must be clear and can not contain any form of red or purple coloring (natural or artificial). However, Gatorade contains 10 more calories and slightly more sodium than Powerade per serving.. On . Clear broth . Best Gatorade Flavor for Colonoscopy Prep - UpThirst A: A clear liquid is generally considered one that you can see through to the other side. She notes that a clear liquid diet should not be followed for more than three to five days. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Nous avons cr un lieu o lon parle autant de recettes dlicieuses et facilesque dela nourriture comme dun mode de vie amusant et dun phnomne culturel. Is orange juice without pulp considered clear liquid? The main difference is that gators are huge, and . What can you eat on a clear liquid diet? Any foods that are considered liquid or partly liquid at room temperature are allowed. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Only eat CLEAR LIQUIDS if you have a strict diet. They do not have any solids or pulp in them. The following items are often part of a clear liquid diet: Water, plain, carbonated or flavored. Not only can it interfere with a doctor's interpretation of your colon health, but alcohol may interact with the sedatives used during the procedure. See additional information. Acceptable clear liquids include: water, tea, Apple juice, Ginger ale, Sprite, 7UP, Gatorade, Powerade, Vitamin Water, Crystal Light. What flavors of Gatorade are considered clear liquid? Moreover, What are the 4 original flavors of Jell-O? And Liquids to Try and Avoid, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, UCLA Health: "Preparing for Your Colonoscopy", Kaiser Permanente: "Preparing for your colonoscopy", Moffitt Cancer Center: "What to Know About Alcohol Use and Surgery", National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: "Mixing Alcohol With Medicines", Pulp-free juice like white grape or apple juice, Fruit-flavored gelatin or Jell-O (as long as it's not red, orange, blue or purple), Clear soups and broths like vegetable, beef and chicken broth or bouillon.