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Alaska senator announces bill to permanently allow cruises to sail to All Rights Reserved. COVID-19 rules for cruise ships returning to Canadian ports | CTV News Canadian Cruise Ship Ban Flattens Alaska Tourism Prospects - VOA Gray said plans are for the new facility to be in use by sometime next year. There will be four cruise ship calls in August, and from September, there will be cruise ships sailing to Saint John almost daily. Transport Canada Lays Out Rules for Cruise Ships - Cruise Critic Audience Relations, CBC P.O. Millions of travelers rely on Cruise Hive in the United States, Europe, Australia, and around the world. The Lithuanian capital is celebrating with art exhibits, concerts and festivals. Since March 2020, Transport Canada has implemented a number of measures to limit the spread of COVID-19 in cruise ships and ferries, including Interim Orders, prohibit any passenger vessels certified to carry more than 12 passengers to enter Arctic coastal waters, including Nunatsiavut, Nunavik, and the Labrador Coast; and. Del Rio noted that it is still difficult to predict what the outcome will be for Alaska. More confusingly for in-transit passengers, it seems Transport Canada will require all passengers to use the ArriveCAN app to submit a digital declaration prior to arriving into Canada -- a formality that was never previously required of cruise ships originating in non-Canadian ports of embarkation. We know they understand.". The most popular port in the Canadian Maritimes saw 179 cruise ships bring just over 323,000 passengers in 2019, and those numbers are expected to hold steady for the 2022 cruise season. As part of the new guidelines, all cruise ship passengers and crew members must show proof of a complete vaccination before being permitted to enter Canada and a negative coronavirus test taken within one day of boarding. Canadian Cruise Port to Welcome Back Cruise Ships From May 2022 Saint John Cruise Port in New Brunswick, Canada is set to welcome back cruise ships for the first time in two years. Alaska Senators Introduce New Legislation to Bypass Canada's Cruise CRUISE HIVE LTD 2008-2023. If either of these bills are passed, it would have a negative impact on Canadas tourism industry, particularly in British Columbia. Saint John expects to welcome 69 cruise ships from 13 different cruise lines. According to Transport Canada's guidance, all passengers will require proof of vaccination to set sail, visit or disembark at a Canadian port of call. By proceeding, you agree to Cruise Critics, Will Cruises to Canada Go Ahead In 2022? "I hope they will follow the model that the CDC has developed," said Robertson. VANCOUVER, July 15 (Reuters) - Canada will allow cruise ships back into its waters starting in November as the COVID-19 pandemic fades, but they must fully comply with public health. Today's announcement is another important step in a measured approach to safely transition into a new phase of Canada's response to the pandemic. News from the Canadian government to rescind or extend the existing ban was expected.

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