Kyles v. Great Oaks Interests , No. My neighbor is baiting and trapping neighborhood cats and - Avvo at 98384, 98890. Further, the cases that do exist have been based on specific local laws, making it more difficult to determine what a judge might do in the absence of such a statute. Stop. Cats and the Law: Finding and Understanding Your Laws . . Is it legal for a neighbor to trap and kill my pet cat? Would it be VanWormer, E.; Conrad, P.A. In some communities, animal control is the responsibility of the police department or code enforcement, while other communities may contract with private businesses or shelters for animal control. Ct. App. Toxoplasma gondii, Source to Sea: Higher Contribution of Domestic Felids to Terrestrial Parasite Loading Despite Lower Infection Prevalence. Licensing requirements are often a death sentence for community cats because they typically require that any cat not displaying a license tag be impounded. Exposing Cruelty at Berkeley County Animal Control in West Virginia, Cat-alyst Society Monthly Giving Program, Forget-Me-Not Legacy Society: Planned Giving, Tribute Cards and Plaques to Support Feline Rescue, mandatory spay/neuter does not help community cats because they have no owner. This may reflect the legislature's intent to solve the problem of discouraging good Samaritans. Generally, legislatures pass laws to correct perceived deficiencies in existing law, particularly when there is no indication that the new legislation is intended to codify the current common law rule. PLoS ONE 2011, 6, e20891. Further, feral cat caretakers in these jurisdictions may have a difficult time protecting feral cat colonies from animal control agencies and the actions of private citizens.
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