Raccoons are wild animals and should never be treated as pets. Can You Kill Raccoons in Texas? During the colder seasons, coyote hide can be sold at around $20 to . If you are caught abusing animals in Illinois, you will face a Class B misdemeanor charge. Fox or coyote urine is sold as a repellent for deer or rabbits in the garden and as a trapping lure for these animals. Proudly powered by WordPress | In most cases, a dry cat food that includes fish meal is an inexpensive, non-messy, excellent choice. While some states allow you to hunt nuisance raccoons all year, others only allow you to kill them during the hunting season for raccoons. legal means, and other rules for furbearers and their pelts, consult the Fur-bearing Animal Digest, available at TPWD Law Enforcement offices or calling (800) 792-1112. . Distemper and rabies will kill raccoons if they become infected. Yes, it is permissible to trap a Raccoon per the terms and conditions stated in the wildlife law of the state of Florida. Raccoon; Otter; Skunk; Ring-tailed cat; Take, Possess or Sale of Furbearers. For additional information, please contact the Zoonosis Control Division of the Texas Department of Health at (512) 458-7255. Rememberseeing a raccoon out during the day doesn't necessarily . Exclusion and prevention are always the cheapest and simplest ways to control nuisance wildlife situations. The general idea of the statute is that a person may not own, harbor, or have custody of a dangerous wild animal for any purpose unless that person registers the animal with the county or local animal agency. Call the licensed and insured professional listed here, and . Beaver, ring-tailed cats, otters, opossums, red and gray foxes, badgers, mink, skunks, or civet cats, nutria, raccoons, muskrats, weasels; Fish. Table 1. Consulting with the Dallas Wildlife Center is an excellent way to comply with state trapping laws. Skamania County, Washington, passed a law in 1969 deeming the "slaying of Bigfoot to be a felony and punishable by 5 years in prison." The . Wire the door of the trap open so it cannot fall shut. The traps should not be placed in any home or attics. It is irresponsible and unnecessary of the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife to allow state and municipal police officers to immediately kill raccoons, bats, skunks, foxes, and woodchucks without first determining whether the animal is infected with rabies.
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