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Note that at the previous junction, there was no mention of TW356! Very interesting rock formations and certainly worth stopping for a look and a walk around the camp site. After two and a half kilometres we made a left turn onto Victoria Rock Road. More than likely the infrastructure was used for telephone lines for many years until abandoned in favour of subterranean cables. I will never know why you decided to get in the car that night but I hope one day you will be able to tell me why.. Brookton Highway looking west at the small bridge over Nalyaring Gully, 20km east of Brookton. Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo. Remote South East | Adventures Photo credit, Sources: Wikipedia / Mike on Bike / These airstrips are signposted and have runway "piano keys" painted on the road, and turnaround bays for small aircraft. Kim Epton The name of the rocks is derived from an incident in 1894 when three white men carting stores to Kurnalpi came upon a party of 19 Afghans with 104 camels camped at this place. Brookton Highway looking east into Brookton. Graham went to cross and he got bogged to the right of the track. WE LEFT KELMSCOTTon Thursday evening in two groups to minimise disruption to other traffic. Brookton Highway looking east near Kangaroo Gully, showing kilometre plate and typical terrain in this area. The typical view is that of a straight highway and practically unchanging flat saltbush-covered terrain, although some parts are located on ridges. The on time departure from Kelmscott was a good start, andeachmorning was early start but, try as we might to maintain the schedule, we still had to delete the last day and half of the planned trip. Kim Epton 2015-2019 Mulkas Cave at the The Humps is 17 kilometres to the west of King Rocks. Note there is no mention of TW356, which turns right at this junction. The 'P' signs are ubiquitous in rural WA, marking out safe areas for vehicles to park off the road for a rest. Not sure what's going on there with the oversize arrows and missing panel borders! Brookton Highway looking north at the junction of Brookton Highway & Newdegate-Ravensthorpe Road at Lake King. Note that there is no RD sign for westbound traffic at this location. AD sign eastbound on Brookton Highway approaching the junction with Kondinin-Narembeen Road, 4km north of Kondinin. I travelled it many years ago in the dry and it was a real experience something like the Gun Barrel or Canning Stock route with less vehicles, a very lonely slow arduous trip. Note the old road formation which continues straight - this section of road was realigned to provide a 110km/h curve instead of the previous low-speed corner and triangular junction. Scott and I were casting around in our vehicles while the others finished packing.

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