DeNicolo has also filed a separate suit against Hubbard, contending the company made defamatory statements to its employees and the media after the Tribune and others reported last week that she had sued Ferguson in May. Suffice it to say that we do not agree with Melissas characterization of events.. I want to bust the bad guys! "Eric & Kathy," dubbed the "most successful morning team in Chicago radio history," had been on the air since 1996 and were inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame in 2016. In a court filing included with that defamation suit, a former WTMX sales employee alleged Ferguson groped her at a station Christmas party in full view of her husband and co-workers in 2003. (Antonio Perez / Chicago Tribune). Michael Jackson -- Like most people, I started listening to his music again after his sad death. Un reporte que destacaba el impacto econmico de Sueos Music Festival concluy que se haban creado ms de 900 puestos de trabajo gracias al evento de dos das de duracin. Shes dating someone right now, and apparently, his name is Jim. Desde festivales de danza y gastronoma hasta conciertos y desfiles, los latinos de Chicago tienen mucho que esperar este verano. Right now, the Eric and Kathy Show \"feels right.\"<\/p>\n
2)<\/strong> Being a public figure as a radio personality naturally opens up your personal life to your listeners (i.e. She consistently strives to be the best Melissa she can be and says there is always more to learn through new experiences in life. Like McGurren, DeNicolo sued Hubbard for defamation after the company said it found no evidence to corroborate allegations of illegal workplace conduct. Hubbard attorneys are seeking to have that suit dismissed as well. Last fall, fans were shocked to learn that Kathy Hart had been let go from her radio show, Eric & Kathy (interestingly enough, the co-host had been absent from the program for more than four months at the time). Radio Ink. A report that highlighted the economic impact of Sueos Music Festival found that more than 900 jobs were created thanks to the two-day event.