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we need to talk, a.s.a.p. Young claimed Janet and James had a secret daughter who was 18 years old at the time. During their marriage they had three children- two daughters and one . No one really knew how it was working out until things kind of surfaced.. So that rumor started going around., Given the turbulent nature of her marriage with James, which only lasted a year, the rumors of a secret daughter wasnt the only headline that came out of that era of Janets life. If there is a kid I hope that she can bring closure to the issue in some form or fashion. You look just like your mom , I believe my friends mom has 6 Children & all look alike & my Friend looks like her Adopted Family you would never think once that shes not blood kin or adopted cause she looks so much like her Family . From a young age, he was drawn to performing arts and began to put all his efforts into becoming a professional dancer. I read online that she was never planning to do that role, it was just an excuse for the weight gain. ", DeBarge said Renee "is a wonderful singer.". More Details Are Revealed About Janet Jackson's Alleged 'Secret Daughter' . @kterrl.yes they do seem to know what they are talking about dont they. The magazine said the child was born in 1986 or 1987, long after her marriage with Rebbie was annulled. Jermaine hasn't exactly been a perfect role model to his kids, but one of them, in particular, seems determined to come off the rails. For the past four years, How many times are we going to have to see some former stand-up comedian dressed Musician Index: Marlon and Brandon were the sixth and seventh Jackson children, twins who were born several weeks premature, according to TMZ. Young DeBarge, a 28-year-old aspiring singer, said Renee has been living with Rebbie Jackson, Janets oldest sister, and that James and the Jackson family kept everything real close, real tight.. To teach his children a lesson about leaving their windows unlocked at night, Joe reportedly put on a fright mask and climbed into Michael's bedroom, terrifying his young son. According to the gossip, her sister, Rebbie Jackson, was raising the child. Katherine was reportedly converted by a door-to-door Jehovah's Witness in 1963 and began to raise her children in accordance with the faith soon after her baptism. Janet quickly learned that James was very heavily into drugs, something she couldnt see when they got together, pointing to her own innocence. A secret child is usually the stuff of soap operas and romance novels which makes it a perfect fit for the Jackson family. LOL yet people still believe Brandi is Janets But Brandi looks more & more like her Mothers Best friend LORI how ironic is that . Aug 29, 2018 09:59 A.M. Rebbie Jackson's middle daughter, Yashi Brown, looks stunning in a recent photo she shared with her big sister, Stacee. So I mean the only way i can think of it Is If Janet went out of Town or state & had the Baby & gave it up & only certain people Knew such as Mrs.Katherine Jackson . They separated in 1999. In the documentary, the "Rhythm Nation" singer shares that she first started hearing the rumors in 1984 when she was filming Fame. On Friday (21OCT05), YOUNG DeBARGE, the brother of Jackson's ex-husband JAMES DeBARGE, said in a radio interview to promote his album that Jackson and his brother had an 18-year-old daughter named RENEE.

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