We live and learn, thanks for all your help. Did not work for me. This doesn't seem to work in "today's Chrome" however it may have been replaced by the new Notification API which somewhat fits the bill, great idea, inspired this answer: How can I auto hide alert box after it showing it? You can also try Notification API. Dave-Evers, message helped me. Why does my Javascript code runs and disappear immediately But from here, sadly, it all starts to go down the drain: In WebDriverFacade#getScreenshotAs the exception is swallowed via "logger.warn" antipattern / unfinished code / idk and the method returns null instead of correctly communicating violated preconditions, even though this breach of contract has now caused undefined behaviour and corrupted our test case! "retry different ways until one sticks" might be a valid approach. If you can trace this back to Serenity code, can you dig into the code and propose a fix in a PR? When using the WebUI.executJavaScript method in my test case to show an alert message, the alert will be shown for about 1 second and then automatically disappear. Import org.openqa.selenium.Alert - Import this package prior to the script creation The package references to the Alert class which is required to handle the web-based alerts in WebDriver. However, if I click the button again the modal appears and then immediately disappears again. The HTML dialog element has a built-in cancel () method making it easier to replace JavaScript dialogs calling the confirm () method. Okay, since I didnt get a reply from you, I decided to spend a little bit of time to find the drivers and I found this, its strange the folder for the Chrome driver is labeled with win32, not sure whether thats significant or not, just thought I would mention it. Best Answer; when the alert disappears contents cover its place. However it seems to appear and disappear straight away, before I can accept it. Or it's not working the second time? Test: Showing an alert ()/confirm ()/prompt () dialog while in fullscreen will cause fullscreen to be lost starting in Chrome 61. prompt () dialogs do not activate their tab. Published on Friday, March 24, 2017 Updated on Friday, June 8, 2018. Also changing the way alerts are implemented , because my automation is broken would not fly with the development team. Thats not a very satisfactory answer, as you pointed out its only a matter of time before Safari starts acting the same way. Alert disappears instantly leads to org.openqa.selenium.NoAlertPresentException, net.thucydides.core.annotations.Screenshots does not work on Click, subclasses of ClickOnTarget, Switch.toAlert().andAccept() destroys the open alert and then claims it could not find one. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Is there a fix or workaround so that the alert message is shown without going away? How to open a Bootstrap modal window using jQuery? And have you faced this issue with the previous versions?
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