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And he is probably best known as someone he was not: the notoriously brutal guard Ivan the Terrible at the Treblinka extermination camp. Niemanns grandson turned over the materials to two volunteer German historians, who donated them to the U.S. At one point, he shouted at a witness that he was lying under oath, prompting the judge to place him in something of a courtroom timeout at his own table. John Demjanjuk was convicted of being a low-ranking guard at the Sobibor death camp, but his 35-year fight on three continents to clear his name a legal battle that had not yet ended when he died Saturday at age 91 made him one of the best-known faces of Nazi prosecutions. "When you were in the trial, you could see that the focus was that it was just a horrendous, horrendous killing of people, and therefore there had to be a punishment for it," Gill says. The 1987 trial was the first of its kind since that of infamous Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann in 1961. If these cases will be expedited and put on the fast track, there is time.. John Demjanjuk, convicted death camp guard, dies, Man who lost wife, son in Texas mass shooting t, Russia missile attack on Ukraine injures 34, da, Is my money safe? Demjanjuk was born April 3, 1920, in the village of Dubovi Makharintsi in central Ukraine, two years before the country became part of the Soviet Union. His passing is obviously the passing of a political icon in the Mahoning Valley, state Rep. Robert F. Hagan, who lost the 2000 Democratic congressional primary to Traficant, told The Vindicator, Youngstowns local paper. Specifically, the judges said Demjanjuk had served as a guard at Sobibor between March and September of 1943. After the outburst, he told The Times: I never do anything without a reason. The court is convinced that the defendant served as a guard at Sobibor from March 27, 1943, until mid-September 1943, Alt said in his ruling. He was in his early 20s then, having been born on April 3, 1920, in the central Ukrainian village of Dubovi Makharintsi, before the country was absorbed into the Soviet Union and subjected to dictator Josef Stalins brutal rule.

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