Facebook. He served as an intern and afterward a reporter at the Daily Calumet and served from 1980 through June 2021 for the Tribune. And Greek basil in clay pots, just as it was grown thousands of years ago in the days of bronze-tipped spears. Greek ribs the way to go for holiday festivities - Chicago Tribune Kass was born on the South Side of Chicago, and grew up there and in the Chicago suburb of Oak Lawn. Even if Kass had been forced out of the paper for reasons of journalistic ethics, rather than dollars and cents, I couldnt really take much credit for his ouster. In his op-ed about the most disgusting expression of fascism in modern U.S. history, Kass also warned that Democratic U.S. Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer, who's Jewish, and Vice. Id left the City Hall beat, writing a snarky memo to the city desk on how to deal with Mayor Richard M. Daley, who was losing it the way current Mayor Lori Lightfoot is losing it now. But now I have a new home. ", "20 years without the legendary Mike Royko", "John Kass, columnist and editorial board member", https://www.olpl.org/documents/GoldenYear1974.pdf, "Chicago Tribune's John Kass to talk politics over breakfast at Elmhurst College", "John Kass signs off at Chicago Tribune: 'An adventure happens' - Robert Feder", "After 30 years, it's good to be married", "John S Kass living in Saint John, IN Contact Details", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=John_Kass&oldid=1127217698, All articles with bare URLs for citations, Articles with bare URLs for citations from March 2022, Articles with PDF format bare URLs for citations, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 13 December 2022, at 14:43. I cant say Im sad to see John leave the Tribune, but I do wish him well., After all, a few days after Donald Trump incited the treasonous Capitol riot, I published. John Kass (born June 25, 1956) is an American columnist and former editorial board member for the Chicago Tribune and radio broadcaster. How Old Is John Kass John is a 66-year-old who was born on June 25, 1956, in Chicago, Illinois, in the United States. free lookups / month. The op-ed blamed violence and civil unrest in cities like Chicago on Jewish billionaire George Soros. Perhaps the best thing about Kass leaving the Tribune is that Chicago currently has no conservative newspaper columnist. John Kass washing his hands of responsibility for last week's riot was He then proceeded to write emotional columns about the importance of tradition and honor and family, and how taking his sons to all the playoff games was the reward for his decades of steadfast dedication to the Sox. I dont believe the election was stolen. Suite 3200 She was among 26 of the papers 110 union-represented newsroom employees that applied for voluntary separation plan. No credit card required. God, our country, Betty and the boys, our extended family. Theyd just offered me the best job in the world: writing a column four times a week in Chicago, my hometown. So heres the John Kass news for the day: The Tribune has offered me and many others a separation agreement. John Kass - Townhall For decades, Kass provided biting, insightful and often emotional commentary on a wide range of topics that jumped from political corruption one day to tending to his tomato garden the next. But in the course of that project, I learned several factoids about the columnist, mostly thanks to tips from Kass Watch followers, that really hammered home his hypocrisy.