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The men from Maine waited until troops from the 15th Alabama Infantry regiment, under Col. William C. Oates, charged up the hill, attempting to flank the Union position. On the morning of April 9, 1865, Chamberlain learned of the desire by Lee to surrender the Army of Northern Virginia when a Confederate staff officer approached him under a flag of truce. As a young man, Chamberlain worked in a brickyard and in the timber industry before taking a teaching job in 1846. General Joshua Chamberlain. He was distressed about the secession of Southern states and the outbreak of war in 1861, and over the objections of his wife and his colleagues at Bowdoin, he eventually contacted Maines governor, Israel Washburn Jr. I have always been interested in military matters, he wrote, and what I do not know in that line I am willing to learn.. During the second day of fighting at Gettysburg, commanders Colonel Joshua Chamberlain and Major Ellis Spearalready good friends from before the warfurther forged a seemingly unbreakable bond in helping the Pine Tree State boys turn back Colonel . Our FREE Virtual Teacher Institute is the can't miss online educator event of the summer. Father of Lawrence Joshua Chamberlain, Sarah Barstow (Chamberlain) Farrington and Thomas Duvee Chamberlain. Chamberlain left the U.S. Army soon after the war ended, going back to his home state of Maine. A studious young man, however, he set his sights on college, and to prepare, he studied Greek, Latin, and rhetoric. Descendants of Thomas Wellman of Lynn, Massachusetts : Wellman, Joshua Joshua Chamberlain 1800-1880 Sarah Dupee Sally Brastow 1802-1888 Spouses and children Married 7 December 1855, Brunswick, Cumberland Co., ME, to Frances Caroline Adams, born 12 August 1825 - Boston, Suffolk Co., MA, deceased 18 October 1905 aged 80 years old (Parents : Asher Adams, Rev. Joshua Jackson & Reno Wilson shares family stories Steve Earle's song "Dixieland" from his album The Mountain refers to Chamberlain and the Battle of Gettysburg: I am Kilrain of the 20th Maine and I fight for Chamberlain According to the school, an anonymous donor found the medal in the back of a book the donor had bought at a church sale. Joshua had four kids among them; only two of them survived. His death was attributed to the wounds he suffered during the siege of Petersburg, making him the last Civil War veteran to die of war-related wounds.

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