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Otherwise: Meanwhile, Atris is walking up the stairs exiting the meeting chamber of the secret academy on Telos, returning to her meditation chamber, when she stops and turns as if she's just heard something: When you next exit the Ebon Hawk and add the Handmaiden to your party, you can now level her up as a Jedi Guardian! STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Thank you for your contribution. As a rule, be sure to search the wreckage after a battle against other HK droids. The modders who spent 15 years fixing Knights of the Old Republic 2 And apologies if this has been asked before--I searched the sub but didn't return anything about this topic specifically. There is NO other way to add Handmaiden/Disciple in your party if you have played past the point where Handmaiden/Disciple is supposed to join your party. This will give your character a force bonus. His disassembled body can be found in the storage room of the Ebon Hawk. G0-T0 can offer you a bonus quest if you ask him how you can save the republic. STEAM USERS: If you play KotOR 2 on Steam, DO NOT USE THE STEAM WORKSHOP VERSION OF TSLRCM if you want to use this mod! I am making an exception in this case, as you requested. After winning your second duel: Once you've won your second duel and you can level up to 18 (153000 XP or more): If Kreia hasn't remarked on how you are spending time with the servant of Atris: Once she has, and you've already talked to the Handmaiden about her mother: Before you can talk to the Handmaiden about her mother, you need to speak to Kreia in the Port Dormitory of the Ebon Hawk, or after adding her to your party, after successfully influencing Handmaiden in one of two ways: This unlocks the following when you next ask the Handmaiden some questions, or when you gain influence after telling her maybe you could teach her some things after winning your third duel: If you haven't gained that influence after winning your third duel: When you next return to ask her questions: If your alignment is neutral or light (> 39): In both cases, when you next return to ask her questions you can tell her you've decided to instruct her and then do so, but after saying you need to consider this, the screen may later remain black after fading out: saving then loading the game may fix this, or you can simply avoid this option.

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