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God shakes the earth to show the inhabitants that created things can be destroyed and dont last. Full Description. He sent Jesus to seek and save the lost. Finally Philemon delivers a powerful statement against slavery and a call to recognize the brotherhood that Christ brings to all humanity. Journey Nineteen guides us through the powerful and epic story in the Bible's Books of Restoration. The TTW Podcast follows 19 Journeys covering every book and chapter in the Bible. Read the Bible, discover plans, and seek God every day. Each journey is an epic adventure through several Bible books, as your favorite pastors explain each chapter with clear explanation and insightful application. Snippets are a new What is Heaven like? occurring with greater frequency and broader impact as well as wars, rebellions, uprisings, and conflicts around the globe. What does it all mean? Prepare to walk in and be amazed! Spring is one of my favorites. Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. SHARE PLAN 0:00 8:16 Revelation Intro Audio Guide - Kris Langham SHARE GUIDE 0:00 9:31 Revelation 1 Understand the Bible in just ten minutes a day as your favorite pastors walk you through each chapter with clear explanation and compelling application. bible verses against vaccination Ezra 3: Where Do You Begin? Human beings are given a clear choice and specific consequences of that choice. Each journey is an epic adventure through several Bible books, as your favorite pastors explain each chapter with clear explanation and insightful application. The TTW Podcast follows 19 Journeys covering every book and chapter in the Bible. Kris Langham Profiles | Facebook kris langham revelation explained. Ezra 1: The Proclamation of the King | Today Kris Langham guides us through chapter 1 in the book of Ezra as we continue our journey on Through the Word.Journey 19 | Restoration. Daniel presents the history of the world, from the . Revelation unveils the final days of earthand the King of a new heaven and new earth. Now How Do I Stop Sinning? See Photos. The TTW Podcast follows 19 Journeys covering every book and chapter in the Bible. It's the end of the world as we know itand Journey #18 is here to explain what's going on. In today's Audio Guide through Galatians 2, Kris Langham leads us through Paul's passionate defense of the true gospel. Here we see Gods kindness, compassion, and mercy. Through the Word: Bible Overview #24: Apocalyse (Revelation 5

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