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You'll need to have your Kyleena IUD removed after it's been in place for five years, after which time it's no longer as effective for preventing pregnancy. A couple of things to keep in mind about removal: You betcha! Its also FDA-approved for treating heavy periods for up to five years for people who choose an IUD as their method of contraception. Typically when people think of night sweats, theyre thinking of the fluctuating estrogen in menopause. Bring a bottle of water and a snack along to help perk you up afterward. It's worth noting that Plan B is linked to a higher likelihood of menstrual changes compared to regular birth control pills, due to its increased dosage. Kyleena has a thin, flexible insertion tube (3.8 mm) with a small, rounded, flexible T-body Kyleena features the same innovative Bayer Inserter design as other Bayer IUDs Kyleena is delivered through the Bayer Inserter, which may be familiar to many HCPs Step-by-step insertion and removal instructions1 Take this assessment to help you decide which method is right for you. Let a healthcare professional know if your symptoms are severe or not improving before you leave your appointment. For some context, Kyleena is about a tad shorter than a paperclip. This comes to $18.35 per month over a 5-year period. Weight gain also isnt listed as a possible side effect of either IUD.,,,,, Everything You Need to Know About IUD Insertion, How to Access Free or Lower-Cost Birth Control in Each State. Theres also no clear evidence linking hormonal contraceptives to weight gain. The Fix: You may have poorly regulated blood sugar if youre eating a lot of processed foods, refined sugars, or processed carbs, or eating frequently throughout the day, says DeSimone. Having an IUD inserted puts you at higher risk of an infection of your reproductive organs (pelvic inflammatory disease or PID). Bayer Pharmaceutical Inc (2013): 6. Because the IUD releases levonorgestrel into your uterus, only small amounts of the hormone enter your blood. Were talking. They can help you decide if Kyleena is a good option or if there's another birth control method that's better suited to your needs. Other possible side effects of Kyleena include: Serious risks while using Kyleena are very rare but possible. Kyleena and Skyla IUDs are the same sizes28 millimeters wide and 30 millimeters long.

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