For small game hunting, .40-caliber or less is best. possess Class XXJ license + CS/LE stamp, Class AAHJ + CS/LE stamp or Class DT license. a rifle using .25 caliber or larger rimfire ammunition. Two deer may be taken with a muzzleloader during the muzzleloader season. Legal rifle calibers by state My old fall back only on nice weather days is my Winchester Model 88 in 308. Class RM, RRM stamps or Class DT licenses may be used to take one antlered deer in all counties having the muzzleloader season OR; Class RM, RRM stamps or Class DT licenses may be used to take one either-sex deer in the 46 counties or parts thereof having a Class N or NN antlerless season bag limit of one unlimited or three antlerless (Class N) deer. All antlered deer taken during archery and crossbow seasons on Beech Fork Lake, Bluestone Lake, Burnsville Lake, Little Kanawha River and McClintic WMAs, and Coopers Rock and Calvin Price State Forests must have a minimum outside antler spread of 14 inches (ear tip to ear tip). The combination of a Vortex and a 39 could net you $500 if you can get a deal. between the ages 8-14 must be accompanied by a licensed adult, who must also wear 400 square inches of blaze orange, cannot carry a gun, a crossbow or a bow and must remain near enough to the youth to render advice and assistance. Hunt with a fully automatic firearm. Except when taking a deer in a county open to buck firearms season, hunters may take two (2) deer one (1) on the base license except Class A and one (1) on an RB or RRB stamp or two (2) on RB or RRB stamps if the first deer is taken in a county open to. Mike Moore. Be sure to check out our gun classifieds where you can buy, sell or trade your gear. 7.62x39 is also a perfectly good caliber for deer and you can get it in a bolt if thats what he wants. 4 during the muzzleloader season except for those persons legally hunting bear, and for waterfowl hunters using nontoxic shot. Two deer may be taken with a gun, crossbow or bow during the buck firearms season. West Virginia Hunting arrows and bolts must be equipped with sharpened broadheads. Deer It should be fine for the distances most hunters shoot, at least in this area. All nonresidents, except holders of a Class DT license, are required to purchase a Class RRM stamp if they choose to take an additional muzzleloader deer. Hunting Regulations Ann. A New York State Pistol Permit is required for the possession of firearms in New York. use an arrow with an explosive, drug-laced or poisoned head or shaft. . It is illegal to bait or feed cervids or other wildlife in a Containment Area as determined by the Director and established for the management, control or eradication of chronic wasting disease or other wildlife diseases.
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