Welcome to the Texas Department of Transportation FTP Server This is a change from the current hours of operation which begin at 6 a.m. remain open until midnight, seven days a week. More border cams El Paso International Bridges Juarez Paso Del Norte Bridge City of Laredo International Bridge System Eagle Pass International Bridge I Brownsville International Bridges ranked No. CBP Announces Modifications to Vehicular Traffic Processing Hours at Opened in 1992, the Los Indios Port of Entry is a crossing for both passenger and commercial vehicles. Please choose crossing type(s) to filter your results: Must select at least one crossing type. The bridge facilities are located on a 127 acre tract of land. 43 for the same month last year. Law enforcement officers conducting traffic at Los Indios International The Los Indios bridge is also known as the Free Trade International Bridge, and it is a mid-size crossing in a rural location. Cameron County owns and operates the bridge; however the cities of Harlingen and San Benito each receive 25% of the net revenues. Our mission is to serve as the most convenient and safe crossing points for all citizens and tourists of both U.S. and Mexico, as well as facilitate the crossing of all freight and import-export trade in a timely and efficient manner. 0 - 30 minutes |. Veterans International Bridge at Los Tomates - Cameron County The crossing handles both passenger vehicles and commercial trucks. It is also known as simply as the Veterans Bridge, the Los Tomates Bridge, or on the Mexico side as the Puente Internacional Ignacio Zaragoza. Brownsville and Matamoros International Bridge. https://www.cbp.gov/contact/ports/brownsvillelos-indios, List of MexicoUnited States border crossings, List of CanadaUnited States border crossings, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Los_Indios_Texas_Port_of_Entry&oldid=1016412808, This page was last edited on 7 April 2021, at 01:20.
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