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Christ indicates to us that we must seek a priest and ask him for the blessing of a cluster of grapes or for one single grape, since one blessed grape can feed two people and therefore survive without food, if you have Faith and the creature is properly prepared; this will help for the times of food shortage. November 11, 2012, Beloved daughter, a spoonful of honey and some walnuts will be enough food for the survival of the body, they provide what is necessary for all organs to function properly. Everything is presented falsely with the excuse of a bigger and better evolution for the human organism. You will rule over our minds through our deep and living faith. When Christ mentioned to me again this request of the blessed grapes, I remember also the Grapes of Saint Damian, which I share as follows: You need to know that if you want to grow in the spirit, you must remain ready to give your all; you always have something new from which to learn. Bless the water that you are going to drink, it is already contaminated and will cause human beings great sickness. That is why I want you to share with your brothers from other countries this desire of mine: That you learn how to till the ground to plant what each one will need for sustenance in order to cater to your own needs little by little. War is not a rumor, it advances under the waters of the sea, without My children seeing it. Una denuncia contra la gestin de la exalcaldesa Mara Luz Lastras (PSOE) entre los aos 2015 y 2019 por prevaricacin y malversacin. I SHED MY TEARS THROUGHOUT THE EARTH IN VARIOUS PLACES, CALLING YOU TO CONVERSION SO THAT YOU DO NOT SUFFER WHAT IS NOT THE DIVINE WILL. January 2009, I call on you to prepare yourselves. Semana Santa del ao 1991, primera vez que se manifest con sangre la imagen de la Reina de la Paz en el hogar de Luz de Mara, las mismas continan hasta el presente. November 05 2014, You shouldnt be surprised, My children, of My Calls through My Prophet. Quin como Dios, nadie como Dios! TO LUZ DE MARIA. The blessings are transferred from one of the original grapes from San Damiano.

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