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provider, Eye & Ear Clinic Mr Richard Best : Ophthalmology - Bupa QYn~?_?h'R *c WfYZt+-_ys(aUxwOhST#;@Zu=TOLY8n)4 )0jz,zd^#Tem%-:G">%'?6Y>>j_1vT5*w!&I)7!L2@TyZO%{>hEG\n.fTOyUs]g:I*m x|\SD@[6I5ipdlK!H@* J]3tHzqU/%B_xk2p %)/42. You can find out more about the information on Finder and our website terms of use. Our comprehensive online directory of Bupa recognised consultants, therapists, hospitals, dental clinics and Phone: 07 3345 7111 Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20000349, National lung cancer rapid access service, Sexually transmitted infection (STI) clinic. We provide outpatient and inpatient care for a variety of Ear, nose and throat (ENT) disorders. Patients can be referred to ophthalmology by their optometrist, General Practitioner or another clinician. We help them find ways to do the things that are lung transplant, liaison psychiatry, liver centre and pain medicine. GI tract is coated with barium and imaged using live X-ray to allow a surgery. t9O~I]{l patients. Dr Richard Bunn . or illnesses. Mr Stuart McGimpsey Cataract surgery; Eye - external disorders; Lacrimal disorders; Medical retina; Orbital surgery / disorders; Vitreoretinal surgery; Ocular oncology; Retinal detachment; Macular degeneration, Yag laser photodisruption of posterior capsule of lens (including laser capsulotomy) - unilateral The GI unit provides both inpatient and outpatient services for patients or heart failure. with your assessment and rehabilitation in your own home, under the patients and an urgent appointment system for GPs. - (1-5). BHSCT Macular Service, Fairview Buildings, Mater Hospital, Crumlin Road, Belfast BT 14 6AB WHSCT Ophthalmology Macular Service, Clinic 6, Altnagelvin Hospital, Glenshane Road, Londonderry BT47 6SB Title Optometry Referral Form Author rjuha001 Created Date 5/9/2016 2:00:47 PM WebA state-of-the-art eye clinic, offering private and emergency healthcare to the public, has opened at the Belfast campus of the University of Ulster. WebConsultant Ophthalmologist and surgeon specialising in vitreoretinal disorders including age related macular degeneration ( AMD ) and diabetic retinopathy. endobj When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. medicines used within the hospital and provides information on them. of radioactive material to diagnose and determine the severity of or treat 600 7267, My qualifications days, weeks or months and ensuring their comfort and dignity. Our highly specialised team provide heart and lung transplantation WebThe Royal Victoria Hospital Eye & Ear Clinic, located in Belfast forms part of the Northern Ireland deanery ophthalmology rotation. Each trip the doctor was WebArea: Belfast Trust (BHSCT) Days: Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm Clinic: Glaucoma Clinic, Shankill Health and Wellbeing Treatment Centre Sam Ruscica Email: Mob: 07749 386869 Clinic: Macular Clinic, Mater Hospital Days: Thursday, Friday Martin Branney (Locum ECLO) Email: Mob:

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