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Several harmful habits had crept into Hindu culture over time. Peasants and Monks in British India, University of California Press, 'The Brajabuli idiom developed in Orissa and Bengal also. Some of the most important features of the Bhakti movement include: The unity of all the Hindu gods into one God Rejection of the worship of idols and de-emphasis on rituals or dogma that. 9. Bhakti Movement: Causes, Hindu Society and Features, Effects of Bhakti Movement on India | Medieval Period, Sufism: Meaning, Origin and Main Features of Sufism, Forts in India: 5 Magnificent Ancient Forts in India, Mosques in India: 15 Ancient Mosques in India. Bhakti Movement : Meaning, Principles, Features, Consequences : History In the words of Sheikh- al-Islam Zakariyah Ansari, Sufism teaches how to purify ones self, improve ones morals and build up ones inner and outer life in order to attain perpetual bliss. Thus, according to Sufists, self-purification is the best way to attain eternal bliss. One of the most important features of the Bhakti movements is the concept of God as one single entity. The earliest reformer-saint in South was Adi Shankaracharya who had a unique success. Guru Nanak was also the follower and promoter of universal brotherhood. The Muslim rule had put dread in the hearts of the Hindu masses. [132], Medieval-era bhakti traditions among non-theistic Indian traditions such as Buddhism and Jainism have been reported by scholars, wherein the devotion and prayer ceremonies were dedicated to an enlightened guru, primarily Buddha and Jina Mahavira respectively, as well as others. [11] Kabir, a poet-saint for example, wrote in Upanishadic style, the state of knowing truth:[93]. And the word Bhakti can be translated as devotion or devotional love. Causes Of Bhakti Movement It preached against the caste system, used local languages to reach among the crowds. [22] [138] Further, states Pollock, evidence of Bhakti trends in ancient southeast Asian Hinduism in the 1st millennium CE, such as those in Cambodia and Indonesia where Vedic era is unknown, and where upper caste Tamil Hindu nobility and merchants introduced Bhakti ideas of Hinduism, suggest the roots and the nature of Bhakti movement be primarily spiritual and political quest instead of the rebellion of some form. Scholars writing on bhakti in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were agreed that bhakti in India was preeminently a monotheistic reform movement. Bhakti movement (video) | Early Hinduism | Khan Academy Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. He approached the Indian society to bring unity in God and not differentiate any of them.

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