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Additionally, sporadic cases of armed robbery, assault, battery, and murder have also been registered throughout recent years. These women hide drugs, cash and other items in their shoes, bras, wigs and other clothing. But he does acknowledge-- indeed, he represents--another powerful reality about state prisons: the central role that gangs play. Chicago's second-largest Latin gang, The Maniac Latin Disciples rule the northwest side of Chicago. You could also do it yourself at any point in time. The Folk Nation is not one specific gang. Chicago Gangs | Maniac Latin Disciples | Humboldt Park FILM Source: chicagoganghistory.comBackground music: Maniac latin disciplesRambo- got'emGrimygang kilo- the race (remix)ELVy the God- 100 grand Some of the smuggling methods are ingenious. Haddington, Caroll Park, and Hestonville- 52nd/63rd Street-Lansdowne/ Chestnut St- Blue Fin Nation Gang/ Blue Fin 5 Disciples /Black and . Zayas is currently in Tamms maximum security prison. The Maniac Latin Disciples Nation is a Hispanic street gang in Chicago and one of the largest in the Folks Nation alliance. This guy there has got tunnel vision, only sees so far. After a major police drug bust took down many ULO sets, including the Latin Disciple leadership, Fernando "Fernie D Zayas became Prince of the gang in 1979. Later, they would open up shop on Potomac & Rockwell, a set that would be dubbed Twilight Zone. [citation needed] They turned into a full-fledged gang in 1966. In 1983, Zayas was incarcerated on murder charges. An anonymous and now-defunct Chicago Police blog with a vulgar name claimed the hands seen in Pulgar's design might have been throwing signs for the Maniac Latin Disciples street gang. There are chiefs of security, foot soldiers, enforcers, gang investigators and gang treasurers. They were constantly harassed and attacked by resident street gangs, such as the Simon City Royals, Gaylords and Harrison Gents. Note on Translation 1991 by the University of Chicago Crimes Associated With: Narcotic Sales, assaults, weapon sales, and drive-by shootings. The Latin Disciples' first corner was Hirsch & Rockwell. Identifiers include a heart with a devil's tail and horns, a hooded character called the Reaper Monk, swastika, crossed swords facing up, and pitchforks facing up.

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