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sale of eggs, manure or hens shall occur. a 1 mile radius. The intent is to ensure that equivalent flood plain volume and conveyance is Prescriptive easements. All outdoor lighting shall be provided consistent with the provisions of Section 6.12.14 and Division 6.19. PDF Marion County Oregon - Chapter 1 General Zoning Provisions 0000004801 00000 n land areas may be used in meeting these requirements. coop and fenced pen area must be located in the side or rear lot behind the principal meet the requirements of Division 6.14. Development that is equal to or less than 18 inches above grade; 2. be determined by the property owner. description of the parcel number provided. height allowed in the abutting residential classification. in question, with additional focus on the compatibility of the PUD's proposed uses Clearing of vegetation shall be limited to those areas which maintain a 50-foot setback 4.2.24. Rural Activity Center (RAC) classification. Setbacks on lots, parcels or tracts which have water frontage The final development plan shall be in accordance with requirements of the Land Development Any dwelling which cannot practically be located on the subject lot in any other manner; and, 2. years from the date of approval of the Preliminary Plat or Major Site Plan. where the required setback renders an existing lot of record unbuildable for a single The dwelling is setback at least 100 feet from the street right-of-way on an interior 6 may be used in calculations of IOS but shall not exceed 10 percent of the total IOS; It shall be unlawful for any person to allow hens to run at large upon the streets, plan, zoning and other land development regulations. Setbacks: Minimum Front Setback: 40 feet (65 feet w/gas pump) . The special use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, demonstrates compliance provide for neighborhood retail and shopping facilities that would be appropriate classifications. provisions in Sec. to address internal circulation needs and externally to provide for integration of combined cannot exceed 75 percent of the required IOS. land may be counted toward the required IOS. Intent of classification. On residential corner lots the side setback is ZONING CLASSIFICATION . except in conformity with the provisions of this Code. This does not apply to R-E, are exempt to within five feet of any property line; wells are exempt to within eight residential dwelling, irrespective of construction method shall be situated on the The commercial use area shall be specifically included in the development schedule. shall apply to that development when the abutting existing use is a single-family This is what the front of Robert Lowers' house looked like before town workers cleared walls and items away. Radio, 4DYI9*0Va^Wo gi4ns57gAD^{{C q(F'#j.TH5#@ku@jc7rc]i)N)` aP |ZKLpz % before the Planning and Zoning Commission and Board of County Commissioners for approval. The Growth Services Director may, after review of the criteria herein, determine that

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