16 Imbalance Part 1, Heroes Reborn America Mightiest Hero Companion Vol. The individual pages for each of these years can be found by clicking the links below. The Avengers franchise had zero titles in the Top 10, just one title in the Top 25, and only three titles in the Top 50. Once again, Marvel Comics editors are clueless about what their readers want. Nothing that DC Comics is doing with the Wonder Woman franchise is appealing to the consumer. This is bad news. This was up from the one title that Image Comics had in the Top 25 in June 2022. Expanding that to the Top 4,000 comic books, Diamond sold 80.5 million comic books in 2019, in a list that included 900 DC comics that sold 25.6 million copies. Since DC is about 30% of the market and Marvel's late-year departure shaved another three or four points off the total, that is a smaller than expected decline in sales. There were no minority lead titles in the Top 25. The highest selling monthly title from the X-Men franchise was Immortal X-Men #4 taking the number 11 spot. This title continues to be a complete sales failure. Logans old nemesis ended on a high note by taking the number 37 spot. Artemis Wanted #1 was even more awful as it came in at the number 160 spot. Dollar share of comics sold in the direct market, 2019. Incredible. Avengers: Endgame (2019), The Avengers (2012), and Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) global box office revenues stood at $2.44 billion, $1.3 billion, and $1.15 billion. Marvel Comics - Wikipedia Random House's portion of Marvel's fourth quarter would have added another 5 million copies. Comic fans love to debate whod win in a battle between, say, X-Men and the Watchmen. Defenders Beyond #1 is dead on arrival with its debut issue. $356.52 million through November, All comics and graphic novels sold by Diamond (in dollars) There is a good chance that this big event also drops out of the Top 10 before its conclusion. 2 Into The Fire, Tales From Umbrella Academy Vol. 1 Green Goliath, Captain America By Ta-Nehisi Coates Vol. Star Wars Doctor Aphra #22 came in well outside the Top 100 at the number 119 spot. Has the MCU affected Marvel comics sales? : r/comicbooks - Reddit [+] Courtesy Heritage Auctions 2020 was a pretty good year for many investments, but.
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