You can see the flaws in other peoples reasoning. Its time to take a deep breath and attempt to focus on the big picture if you can get your mind there. You may be tempted to exaggerate or overstate now, or you could have a hard time putting your ideas to practical use. Speaking with a parent or elder and getting their perspective, or working something with them, is also useful now. Information that you receive now could lead you to take a wrong turn or action. You can talk your way out of practically anything now. Disagreements on an intellectual level are quite possible. In conclusion, the Mercury Conjunct Venus aspect in astrology is one that can greatly impact relationships and communication styles. Mercury brings objectivity and rationality to the points it touches by transit. This could be an outgoing energy for fire signs, a cosmic, mystical energy for water signs, or a sense of drive for earth signs. Making plans for the future is favored but dont forget to have fun. You will have to move around a lot, meet many people and have many important conversations. During retrograde motion, Mercury makes the inferior (meaning below or interior) conjunction where it passes between the sun and the Earth. Your objectivity is strong, and your thinking is free of emotional biases. Especially as we have the opportunity for those pennies to drop & pick up on sonething we may have ovetlooked as possible with Merc being rx given the forward conjunction is around a much more solidifying Capricorn solstice than we have experienced for what seems like eons. The desire to daydream is high, and often at the expense of productivity and clear communication. You are especially sharp, communicative, and open at this time. The retrograde conjunctions from transit Mercury to natal Mercury will occur in groups of three (with a direct conjunction before and after) thirteen years apart. Negotiations are in order, and you might feel a strong need for feedback from a significant other or special friend. This is a time when plans are put into action. Expressing your wants and needs is flowing, natural, and spontaneous right now. Its too easy to go off on tangents rather than concentrate on one task at a time now. Hello today is Jan 2, 2020! Home / Aspects / Mercury Aspects / Mercury Conjunct Ascendant.
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