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The email does not appear to be a valid email address. On that day, he was on a rooftop over-watch in . President's 13 Year Old Daughter Spent Spring Break in Mexico-Truth. A fellow Navy Seal who knew and trained with Monsoor told that he had already earned a Silver Star for Bravery and a Bronze Star for separate acts of valor. He was only the second SEAL to die in Iraq since the war began. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. Over the next five months, Monsoor and his platoon frequently engaged in combat with insurgent forces. Origins: On 29 September 2006, 25-year-old Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael A. Monsoor (MA2, not EOD2 as stated above) was killed during operations in enemy-held territory at Ar Ramadi, Iraq, when he threw himself on top of a grenade in order to save the lives of his fellow SEALS. A mass of christian burial will be held on Thursday, May 4th 2023 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the St. John the Beloved Catholic Church (6420 Linway Terrace, McLean, VA 22101). Your act and demonstrated honor is a high standard for all of us. MA2 Michael Anthony Monsoor (1981-2006) - Find a Please reset your password. Michael Monsoor is the second Zumwalt-class destroyer to enter the fleet. cemeteries found within kilometers of your location will be saved to your photo volunteer list. Summary of eRumor:The eRumor describes the funeral of Navy petty officer Mike Monsoor, who lost is own life in Iraq to save the lives of other Navy SEALs. UNITED STATES NAVY Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of [12][13], For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action against the enemy as Platoon Machine Gunner in Sea, Air, Land Team THREE (SEAL-3), Naval Special Warfare Task Group Arabian Peninsula, Task Unit Ramadi, in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM on 9 May 2006. Michael Monsoor was there in the midst of it all. By his bold initiative, undaunted courage, and complete dedication to duty, Petty Officer Monsoor reflected great credit upon himself and upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. It represents the three aspects of SEAL special operations, sea, air, and land. As described in the final two paragraphs of a Summary of Action (SOA) regarding the circumstances of his death: While vigilantly watching for enemy activity, an enemy fighter hurled a hand grenade onto the roof from an unseen location. Named for a Medal of Honor recipient and Navy SEAL, USS Michael Monsoor (DDG 1001) will be commissioned Jan. 25. On September 29, 2006, in the war-torn city of Ramadi, Iraq, Petty Officer Second Class (SEAL) Michael Monsoor, or "Mikey" as we called him, smothered a grenade with his body to save three of. [2][4] When he was a child, Monsoor was afflicted with asthma but strengthened his lungs by racing his siblings in the family's swimming pool. Element snipers thwarted the enemy's initial attempt by eliminating two insurgents. Navy SEAL Killed in Iraq Receives Medal of Honor : NPR

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