The nine men and three. With the plea, prosecutors saidinstead of having a trial, the next step isthe penalty phase where a jury of 12 peoplewould determine whether Jones spends the rest of his life behind bars or is put to death. } During the trial, the jury was presented with evidence in the case to determine whether to issue the death penalty. His interest in film production began when he served as a production assistant during the filming . Sign up forOxygen Insiderfor all the best true crime content. Jones' attorney expects to deliver his defense the first week of January, which will include 18 witnesses, seven experts and a team of medical professionals. Guilty plea:Summerfield man pleads guilty to killing wife, 4 children, may face death penalty. Sentence Length: 5 years 0 months 0 days In my opinion, theres a long history of depression that was really undiagnosed treated as well as PTSD, said Fabian. "All we need to know is thats evil, and evil did something, and evil needs to pay for what he did.". I dont know, just everything mounted up and it seemed like the way out, Jones told the investigators when asked about his motive behind the murders, according to Martin County Sheriffs Office documents. Get email updates with the day's biggest stories. A day later, Jones was arrested in Brantley County, Georgia, after he was involved in a crash. Marion County has five of those inmates. If the jury gives jones the death penalty the decision must be unanimous. Prosecutors went on to say that Jones got his G.E.D. The two younger childrenwere Jones daughters. Undergoing his court trials, Michael Wane Jones has already admitted to killing his wife and the children. Hes a low-functioning guy he doesnt have a lot of cognitive emotional resilience is what I call it. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), Detectives believe he stored the bodies at his home and in his van for several weeks before transporting them to Brantley County, Georgia, the Marion County Sheriffs Office said in a statement about his arrest. Click to reveal A jury on Thursday unanimously recommended that Michael Wayne Jones, the man who admitted killing his wife and four children in 2019, should be sentenced to death. When he was interviewed by sheriffs detectives, Jones admitted tokillinghis wife with a metal baseball bat by hitting herrepeatedly. School principal Chris Christensen jumped to death to end 'toxic' marriage to 'abusive' wife, says daughter, Who was Andrei Kisliak? Following his arrest in September 2019, in a news release, the sheriffs office noted that Jones had kept the bodies at home for several weeks before transporting them. } OCALA, Fla. (WCJB) - Michael Wayne Jones entered the Marion County courtroom in a suit and tie after pleading guilty to killing to wife and four children. Jury to sentence man who pleaded guilty to Marion County murder Michael Wayne Jones Jr. (News4Jax screenshot). Detectives believe the victims werekilledbetween July 10and the end of August 2019. A state judge in Florida has sentenced a 41-year-old man to death for beating his wife to death with a metal baseball bat, then strangling his 9-year-old and 4-year-old stepsons to death and drowning his 2-year-old and 11-month-old biological daughters.