2101 Jan 07/2021 This week we tag along on some great late season deer hunts. I went to Booker T. Washington High School, where I competed in Speech and Debate, Tennis, Academic Bowl . Federal jury sides with widow of TV outdoors host Fred 1828 Jul 12/2018 This week we do some trapping of woodchucks, hit Lake Erie for some walleye, and get a really good salmon recipe! 2216 Apr 21/2022 This week we hit southern Lake Michigan for some hot Coho Salmon fishing! He snagged a wolf cub in Escanaba . A training will take place June 1-2, 2023 for new hosts. from $100/hr. 1930 Jul 25/2019 This week we hit the town of Ludington to do some fishing and learn about the area, we also do some small stream Trout fishing, and see how you put in a food plot with an ATV. 2227 Jul 07/2022 This week we are on the east side of the state doing some walleye fishing on the bay, then some sallies on St. Clair, we even do a doe hunt on this weeks show with a crop damage permit. DNR educators across the state provide fun, educational activities, programs and workshops year-round for adults, families and kids. 1914 Apr 04/2019 This week we have Big Buck Night West! Hosts must participate in a two-day training session within the first two years of being selected. We also learn more about Tony Lapratts Whitetail Boot Camp and see a pretty unique turkey call as well. 200. Use the button above to visit the target shooing and archery home page, or go directly to one of the pages below: Find snowmobile trail permit info, maps, rules and regulations and more. 1847 Nov 22/2018 This week we tag along with Jenny in the thumb on a great few days of hunting with a husband and wife team. 2030 Jul 23/2020 This week we do some Turtle chasing, some Trout fishing, and check out some of our viewer pics on our Bragging Board! Hosts must participate in a two-day training session within the first two years of being selected. Kevin Johnson, 54, of Gaylord is charged with baiting elk and deer as well as trapping raccoon in Otsego County. 2029 Jul 16/2020 This week we do some Bass fishing on the Grand River, some Pan fishing in Montcalm Co. and learn about a knife maker on the east side of the state! Where to Watch. ). A swastika was found painted on the Woodward Avenue Shul synagogue in Royal Oak Friday. 1710 Mar 09/2017 We start in the UP this week chasing pike, then drop down to Houghton lake to do the same, and end this weeks show with how to clean your muzzleloader! Capacity: 240. Visitor Centers across the state provide education programs, field trips, archery, fishing, trails and much more. 2042 Oct 19/2020 This week are are all about bears! Outside of Michigan, she has been hired to write for FreeHub Magazine and Mountain Flyer. Bordering the neighbouring country of Canada is the Great Lake State of America. 2316 April 20/2023 This week we do some Trout fishing, some Sucker fishing off a bridge, and learn a lot about jig fishing for Walleye! 2142 Oct 21/2021 This week we tag along with some folks doing some upland hunting, learn more about training our dogs, and get to hear what some conservation groups are doing to help us all as sportsmen and women! . Team | Big Boys TV The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will host the next event in its Wildlife Through Forestry series with a bird migration forum May 9 at Michigan Technological University. SEA LIFE Michigan is the state's largest aquarium with over 250 species and 2,000 creatures including sharks, rays, green Taking safety measures. 2141 Oct 14/2021 This week we start with a great bow hunt on a very nice Michigan buck! Thu, 19 Jul 2007 14:51:57 GMT The longtime host of the popular "Michigan Outdoors" hunting and fishing television show has died.
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