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To sign this, extend your index finger and tap it against your thumb. What is in sign language? ASL Chapter One Flashcards | Quizlet In the same way, the movement of your hands in this sign is also indicative. Raise the open right hand and position it to the side of the eye. 7 handshape:The ring finger is closed, the other fingers extended and spread apart. Curl your fingers to touch and arrange your hands, one on top of the other, in front of your mouth. You can sign it with your middle finger by tapping your chin. The thumb is lightly flexed to indicate that it is not arrogant. flat hand from chin into air sad dominant hand on forehead, other hand near stomach then slouch down a bit sick dominant middle finger on forehead, other middle finger on stomach then slouch down a bit voice off turn an invisible knob on your throat quiet start 'x' with hands in front of your mouth, then cross them back and turn into 's' you/your All Rights Reserved. When you say look like with your index finger, it transforms to a Y-handshape. The thumb is extended out on the plane of the palm. The hand passes below and to the side of the chin twice. "prefer" American Sign Language (ASL) - Signed with both arms held out, elbows bent, and folded in front of the signer with the dominant forearm on top, the dominant hand mimics a pair of horns with the index and pinkie finger. When you signed me, you would point at yourself or touch your index finger to your chest. You can Hold the right hand the same wayflat with the thumb pointing upand let the side of the little finger sweep back and forth across the crook of the thumb of the left hand. American Sign Language Flashcards | The Two Meanings Of Rubbing Your Chin In Sign Language A large number of people engage in forward, downward, back, and up movements during the sign. Left hand flat upward, chop with open right hand (ASL). Some people use a double tap on the chin.

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