Not certified, no problem. Millais prospectus 2017 by Millais School Horsham - Issuu Leaders and governors are working to ensure that they engage parents more effectively in the future.Safeguarding The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders have put in place strong systems to safeguard pupils, particularly vulnerable pupils. Thank you for your cooperation. Millais - Thank you to everyone who joined us for our | Facebook What does Millais mean? C'est aujourd'hui que les coles primaires et secondaires du Centre de services scolaire du Pays-des-Bleuets (CSSPB) accueillent les lves pour la rentre 2022-2023. Sorry, we don't have any term dates for Millais School at the moment. Inclusivity, fairness and respect for pupils' individual differences are at the heart of relationships in this school. Free Start your Millais School journey . Cost: $495.00 lift ticket extra (possible extension after 6 weeks, $82/session) Lift tickets: Season's Pass or pre-purchased tickets required for . from the schools, pupils and their characteristics statistical release published each summer. Positive changes have been made in the past by leaders when workload issues have been identified. Youll only receive an email alert when we publish a new report. All maintained school governing bodies and academy trusts have a legal duty to provide all of the governance information requested on this page in so far as it is available to them. Camp runs from December 27 31, 2022: 10am noon and 1pm 2pm. As we have a cashless catering system in the school, you must bring your own lunch and may want to bring a flask wth tea/coffee as well. Dr Lodwick said: Robyn was a quiet soul who used her artistry to explore her feelings. 1 rating. There is no sixth form. A suggested privacy notice for schools is available for download: Millais School is a girls' secondary school for students aged 11-16 in Horsham, West Sussex, England. Millais School | West Sussex Local Offer
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