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There is no magic number for the amount of data on a player to be reliable, but after, say, three years, I consider a players UZR to be pretty darn reliable. player has saved over his peers. The zone-based metrics are more precise, but they dont exist for seasons before 1989. 0.2 SB att/Team Game (catchers), and Errors didnt figure into it at all. A big advantage of these metrics is that they can be calculated for any year from 1876 to the present. [fn]Fielding Bible, Volume II, 86. It is well known that some positions are widely considered offensive positions or defensive positions. . For seasons before 2003, however, data on where balls landed does not exist, and the information is roughly estimated, resulting in a fraction of each hit being assigned to each position player. xBA measures the likelihood that a batted ball will After the average fan leaves the ballpark at the end of the game, he wouldnt be able to say for certain whether a players UZR increased or decreased as he would know, for example, if the batting average of a player who got one hit in four at-bats rose or fell. And, as with Defensive Runs Saved, the data for UZR is based on video replays available from Baseball Info Solutions (BIS). Some high school data is courtesy David McWater. . Outfielder steals a home run from a batter. In 1887, the practice of counting wild pitches and passed balls as errors, or battery errors, was discontinued. All orgs will receive a full list. The newer metricsRange Factor, Relative Range Factor, Adjusted Range Factor, Defense Efficiency Record, Fielding Runs, and Fielding Winsare generated from calculations based on these simple box-score statistics. Phone: 602.496.1460 Based on Catcher ERA, Dewan takes the ERA of each catcher with each pitcher and compares that to the ERA of other catchers who caught the same pitchers that year. Rather than just account for the number of plays made, the Enhanced Plus/ Minus number indicates the number of bases saved. [fn]John Dewan, The Fielding Bible, Volume II (Skokie, Ill.: ACTA Sports, 2009), 114.

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mlb average fielding percentage by position