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$('span#sw-emailmask-18679').replaceWith('' + encodedEmail + ''); Crescent Moon Tilt: Fall Crescent Setting (Madison, WI), Crescent Moon Tilt: Spring Crescent Setting (Madison, WI), Private Programs for Scout Groups and Parties, Professional Learning and Leadership Development, Understanding Madison Metropolitan School Districts Procurement Process, Grant Inquiry Form for MMSD Staff Writing Grants, Grant Support and Review Request Form for External Agencies Writing Grants, Academic & Career Planning Resources for Families, Anti-Racism Resources for Educators by Educators, Ordering Your MMSD High School Transcript, Credit-Bearing Opportunities Outside of the MMSD High School Classroom, Early College STEM Academy Curriculum Overview, Nursing Assistant (CNA) Application Process and FAQ, East High School Public Health Academy for Social Justice, Purgolder Academy of Information & Communication Technology, Information & Communication Technology Through Innovation at Memorial High School, Personalized Pathways Reference Materials and Site Visits, Revisiting a Day in the Life of a Student in Personalized Pathways, Questions and Answers about Personalized Pathways, MVC Fall / Spring 2021-2022 Course Catalog, Present Level of Academic & Functional Performance, Parent Planner: A Guide for IEP Team Participation, Special Education Subjects Reference IEPs, Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities, Homeless Services - Transition Education Program (TEP), Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Grant Program, Elementary School Behavior Education Plan, What You Need To Do If You Have Symptoms, Test Positive, or are a Close Contact, Immunization Information and School Requirements, Intensive Support Team and Building Bridges Staff Directory, Child Abuse, Neglect, and Sex Trafficking, Associate Superintendent of Teaching & Learning, Office of Associate Superintendent of Schools, Saving Seesaw Activities Upon Separation from MMSD, MMSD Board of Education Documents, Policy, Calendars and Agendas, arrange an interviewwith the MMSD superintendent, district leaders, staff or students, obtain answers to questions on school district matters, topics or issues, obtain comments or insight on broader statewide and national public education related issues or business, obtain district data, statistics or reports, update or add contact information to recieve MMSD press releases, advisories or story ideas, provide your feedback, comments or suggestions. Former state superintendent joins MMSD administration Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. School staff will be available on March 6 to assist with questions related to enrollment. *Data for the Combined Sewer Area is provided by the City of Milwaukee and represents the best information currently available. Begin online enrollment 2023-2024 4k & 5K. Responsibilities include: Room 110 Additionally, she has been a guest lecturer at the University of Michigan- Flint for their education certification program. on La Movida, Emergency Procedures - Standard Response Protocol, Standard Response Protocol - Student Lessons and Letters. $(document).ready(function () { There was a problem saving your notification. We felt like they were going to work well with Madison and prioritize hearing the voices of people across our community, Muldrow said. $(document).ready(function () { The board voted 7-0 Monday night to hire Alma to consult on the superintendent search. As an Army veteran, James is very active serving and volunteering within the veteran community. Jenkins was the right superintendent, I believe, at the right time for the school district, said MMSD spokesperson Tim LeMonds.

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