Terms and Conditions. An inspection conducted on any given day may not be representative of the overall, long-term cleanliness of an establishment. All ground floor or accessible windows must have attached locks and exterior doors must be secure and have working locks. Act 315-funded health departments are required to provide public health programs in the areas of administrative and supportive services, personal health services and environmental health services. Interested in serving on this board? Board of Health, Montgomery County Human Services Center, 1430 DeKalb Street, Norristown, Pennsylvania 19404-0311, Board of Trustees of the Community College, Delaware Valley Regional Finance Authority, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities, Montgomery County Transportation Authority, Montgomery County-Norristown Public Library Board, Parks, Trails & Historic Sites Advisory Board, Valley Forge Tourism and Convention Board, Workforce Development Board (MontcoWorks). send mail to: Division of Nursing Care Facilities Director. Inspection results are posted as inspections are conducted, and only represent eating and drinking establishments and retail food establishments that fall under the inspection jurisdiction of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, and those county and local health departments which have elected to post results. Please complete ALL information on the form as it is applicable to the complaint. Share This Gallery: A fire at an auto body shop in Wheaton, Maryland, sent smoke plumes into the air Wednesday, causing $1 million in damages. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Association of County and City Health Officials, Recommendations for 2023 Mosquito Season from the Montgomery County Office of Public Health, Montgomery County Code Blue Extended to December 29, 2022, Delaware River Water Pollution Event 3/27/23, Health Advisory: Lyme Disease and Other Tickborne Diseases, Car Seat Check: Norristown Montgomery Hose Fire Company, Car Seat Check: Limerick Limerick Fire Department, Car Seat Check: Montgomeryville Fire Department of Montgomery Township, Battalion 1, Maternal & Child Health Nurse Home Visiting, Be Part of the Solution: Childhood Lead Poisoning, Central Referral for Montco Family Supports, Maternal and Early Childhood Consortium (MECC), Tuberculosis (TB) Screening, Testing & Treatment, Report a Complaint of Illness After Eating/Drinking at a Food Establishment, Tips for Completing the Montco Trail Challenge, Per- or polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS). If you do not know who your inspector is, use our Find My Inspector tool to get his/her name and phone number. As the Office of Public Health continues to integrate with Montgomery County Health and Human Services (HHS), public health programs will have many touchpoints with County human services, particularly Senior Services, Children &Youth, Drug & Alcohol, Mental Health and more. El Primo Produce Junction led the way with 20 violations, including lack of soap and towels at handwashing sink, raw food stored above ready to eat items, no sanitizer in bucket of sanitizing solution, improper food storage temperatures, improper food dating, food handlers lacking hair and beard restraints, and more.