Learn more about the eCFR, its status, and the editorial process. All detonators in a round shall be made by the same manufacturer. Power cables in shafts and boreholes shall be fastened securely in such a manner as to prevent undue strain on the sheath, insulation, or conductors. Protection of power conductors from mobile equipment. (3) A copy of the Administrator's determination. (a) Persons shall not smoke or carry smoking materials, matches, or lighters underground or within 50 feet of a mine opening. (3) Take other special precautions to address the specific conditions at the mine to prevent premature detonation. (b) Smoking is prohibited in surface milling facilities except in designated, dust-free smoking areas. High-potential electrical conductors shall be covered, insulated, or placed to prevent contact with low potential conductors. 8. (2) The National Board Inspection Code, a Manual for Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, 1979, published by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. Switch throws shall be installed to provide clearance to protect switchmen from contact with moving trains. The area of the doors or weak-wall shall be at least equivalent to the average cross-sectional area of the airway. 57.16001 Stacking and storage of materials. 57.19065 Lowering conveyances by the brakes. All development, production, and bench rounds shall be initiated from the surface after all persons are out of the mine. The IME is located at 1120 19th Street NW., Suite 310, Washington, DC 200363605; 2024299280; https://www.ime.org. (i) The mine operator shall certify that tests were conducted and make the certification available to an authorized representative of the Secretary. NFPA No. Couplings used on underground rail equipment shall be designed for that equipment, except that makeshift couplings may be used to move disabled rail equipment for repairs if no hazard to persons is created. Hoist conveyance connections shall be inspected at least once during any 24-hour period that the conveyance is used for hoisting persons. Choosing an item from Life jackets or belts shall be worn where there is danger from falling into water. (f) A statement of the availability of emergency communication and transportation facilities, emergency power and ventilation and location of rescue personnel and equipment.