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Indianapolis Crime News. Is it just a relay for a fixed radio? Muncie Police, Delaware County Sheriff, Ball State Police, Muncie Fire/EMS, Delaware County EMS, Indiana State Police. Equiptment used Raspberry Pi 3b+ running OP25 software. Ball State Police, Officer Jackson was one of the sixtasked with implementing the new technology. This group is made public so anyone who has a Facebook here in Muncie, IN can know if any loved one or friend has been in a wreck or a fire or anything bad that happened. But it's likely that more cases are on the way, because the public likes the apps and the police don't, and the laws are squishy. That's because the laws were written in an era when "police scanner" meant a bulky box costing several hundred dollars that you could buy only at Radio Shack. | Broadcast your scanner to thousands of listeners for free. Munciepolice and the Delaware County prosecutors office have purchased a device that they hope delivers a clear message to criminals: beware the future. The Muncie Police Department deadline for accepting applications is March 28, 2023 at 4pm. Jackson said rain, fog or reflective surfaces can sometimes muddle results from laser measurements or photos taken with the device, but subsequent scans generally fix those issues. ", But Jim Johnson, the Muncie detective, was just as determined. The ECC provides complete communications capabilities for all police, fire, medical, city and county emergency agencies. Kirby said the process would take hours. After working hard to improve morale, and collaborating with Mayor Dan Ridenour to secure a 9% salary increase for officers, Sloan is now nearly . To listen to a feed using the online player, choose "Web Player" as the player selection and click the play icon for the appropriate feed. The nine-pound, tripod-mounted FARO Laser Scanner maps a scene by creating millions of data points using a laser that is reflected off a rapidly rotating mirror. "We are understaffed, there's no doubt," Ridenour said. Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. MUNCIE CITY, IN POLICE RECORDS SEARCH - RecordsFinder Indiana State Police. Suspect arrested after shooting near Ball State campus in Muncie

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