The major concept in this book is technogenesis, meaning the co-evolution of humans and their technics. 2012, Language and Linguistics: [3] She was the faculty director of the Electronic Literature Organization from 2001 to 2006. The we of the title refers to inheritors of the liberal Enlightenment model of the human as essentially a thinking mind more than a mattering body. 2023 Writing Machines. The proposition can be demonstrated, he suggested, by downloading human consciousness into a computer, and he imagined a scenario designed to show that this was in principle possible. Morphing Intelligence: From IQ Measurement to Artificial Brains. November 21, 2013, Speculation: Playing the in Participation Gap. 62 ratings8 reviews. In 1999 How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics became the first book-length study defining posthumanism as a vision of the human where embodiment and subjectivity are co-articulated with technology. Economy of Explanation in Barthes's "S/Z" and Shannon's Information Theory, Metaphysics of Metafiction in "The Man in the High Castle", Androgyny, Ambivalence, and Assimilation in "The Left Hand of Darkness", Sexual Disguise in "As You Like It" and "Twelfth Night", The Time of Digital Poetry: From Object to Event, RFID: Human Agency and Meaning in Information-Intensive Environments (Accepted), Auto-Projection: Fuchs' Evolutionary Tale, Beyond Productivity: Information, Innovation, and Creativity, The Costs of Consciousness and the Rise of the Cognitive Nonconscious. Noting the alignment between these two perspectives, Hayles uses How We Became Posthuman to investigate the social and cultural processes and practices that led to the conceptualization of information as separate from the material that instantiates it. Postprint: Books and Becoming Computational. 1991. GreaterThanGames Humanities Lab Grant. algorithms), bacteria and academics. in chemistry from the Rochester Institute of Technology in 1966, and her M.S. The Materiality of Informatics | Semantic Scholar Books by N. Katherine Hayles - Goodreads This idea of the posthuman also ties in with cybernetics in the creation of the feedback loop that allows humans to interact with technology through a blackbox, linking the human and the machine as one. But his afropessimist stance includes a set of conceptssocial death, gratuitous violence, sentient (but not living) existencethat could be easily applied to any episode of The Walking Dead. Taubess thought revolves around two poles, philosophy of history and political theology, with the aim of inverting the Schmittian position and thinking a new form of community by means of an innovative return to Paul of Tarsus and Walter Benjamin. Nancy Katherine Hayles (born December 16, 1943) is an American postmodern literary critic, most notable for her contribution to the fields of literature and science, electronic literature, and American literature. This problem has been solved! In Unthought, she once again bridges disciplines by revealing how we think without thinkinghow we use cognitive processes that are inaccessible to consciousness yet necessary for it to function. , Duke Announces 2015 Distinguished Professors, Two Faculty Elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Hayles to Deliver Inaugural Humanities Lecture in Indiana, Katherine Hayles: The expansion of video games, In a Duke Lab, a Spy's Tools of the Trade, Movin' Out: Duke's First Humanities Labs Close Up Shop.