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He also rips off an arm to use as a sword. C=85 M=10 Y=100 K=10 10.000000 @highnelly, as Takarii said, your answer isnt for my question. CMYK 0.000000 C7j9K9t6eolKVVtwaHpmy0WqOS4yFSDianAIbx+kptmc4j33/nHf/lGNS/5jf+ZSZoe1frHudv2f 50.000000 k0dnOrsskpb1rkxGNhW3jRlj9QOU4l/h2NQcs2jE7mR97VIkm+GvgjPIy65Fpi2+pzy3ix8/Qvbn There are also compounds formed from a verb followed by a noun that is its object, and they tend to be styled as solid (carryall, pickpocket). Print C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=50 It is also used to indicate dialogue. A dot and a hyphen have meaning in the dictionary. But the ones you're talking about just seem made up. DBAMDAwMDAwQDA4PEA8ODBMTFBQTExwbGxscHx8fHx8fHx8fHwEHBwcNDA0YEBAYGhURFRofHx8f From the time the American League first allowed designated hitters in 1973, another 41 years passed before the first DH was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. 5m9n5pwxmED6jJxdbjjKYlP6QGB6PeXdzbuLuL0rmFzFJQfCxX9pfbN9pcspxPEKkDTqNRjjE+k7 Also, if the words that make up a compound adjective follow the noun they modify, they fall in normal word order and are, therefore, no longer considered unit modifiers that require hyphenation ("The decisions were made on the spur of the moment"; "They were ill prepared for the journey"; "The comments were made off the record"; "I prefer the paint that is blue gray"). '(^|[^A-Za-z''])O' pulls "Ronald O'House" and "Orion Fantastic", '(^|[^A-Za-z''])H' pulls out "Daniel House" (but ignores Craig McHouse), '(^|[^A-Za-z''])M' pulls out "Craig McHouse". joU2t9X/ADHt25RXWrKfTMIq1waRkU4itaU7U6dsqOPCekfsbBLKP532qbaj+YbNya61ctyD8jJc 0.000000 0.000000 tBMAU58VLqCQSKOGHUeGYet0OPUw4Z8ubPHMwlap+nfMe1dVPEeFvFyP31H4Zox7L4b8vj+ty/zg 0.000000 100.000000 ProximaNova-Bold.otf If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. The good news is that the 14 different punctuation marks arent as confusing as youd think when you break them all down. ProximaNova-Semibold The perils and predicaments of punctuation. Unfortunately not everyone is able to afford or access decent education, even in the US. A colon can also be used to link two independent clauses if the second clause clarifies or completes the first one. You would not use an apostrophe to explain that there were four Sams at the party. 35.000000 It's when we speak to you and it's like you're not here. 100.000000 0.000000 If you're measuring something, you might also use the hyphen (foot-pound, kilowatt-hour, column-inch, light-year), or if you are talking about periods of time ("pre-2000" or "post-2000," or "post-20th/twentieth century").

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