Pig's Eye:Uses aproductiondate. bottles is notched. Narragansett Beer sale : Save 15% off your next purchase clicking here will display the code & take you to the store. Format is MM/DD/YY. : 1049115. It is typically on the left side of the label. There should also be a date on the outside of all non-returnable cases.Sudwerk:Uses abest byand abottlingdate. Mendocino:Uses apackagingdate. It's a Julian date code. Hill Farmstead:Has adateon some of their bottles. . Oaken Barrel:Uses abottlingdate. It's on the bottom of the cans. Score: 77 with 1,617 ratings and reviews. Left side is the day of the month, bottom is year, letters are the month.Traveler Beer:Uses abest beforedate. On the box case only. It's MM/DD/YY. Brewed since 1890 for a crisp, refreshingly and perfectly balanced lager flavor. The code on the cans is the manufacturer's code, not Half Acre's.Hardywood Park:Usesvintagedates on some of their beers. Calculate 6 months prior to find the bottling date. They will use acanningdate. Wow, what a memory jolt. From the brewer: On the shoulder of the bottle there should be two rows of numbers. However, if purchased by the six-pack, bottling date is in white ink toward the bottom of the bottle The first two digits are the year the beer was brewed, the second three are the batch number and the final four are month and day. Tap Brewing:Uses abottlingdate. Format is MM/DD/YY. : JUN 19 2010. It is stamped inside the middle slot of their six-pack carrier. As an example, lets say the code is 10084FA96. We often have issues with the coder so it might not be there. Back in the college days you could a tall boy can at T's Pub for $3 and soak in the scenes of bad karaoke, sticky floors and a mixd crowd of college students and townie terrier fans. Wormtown:Uses abottlingdate. Twisted Pine:Uses abottlingdate. It's stamped on the bottles and cases. MM/DD/YYYY. Cold stored since purchase. The grand 'Gansett is back. It is a 4 digit code. Caldera:Uses apackaged ondate. Blue Pants:Uses abottlingdate. The beer is good for 140 days from the 3/14/16 "born on" date above. 16 oz can, no date but some code I can't be bothered to figure out, into Wide Mouthed glass. Reads BOTTLED ON mm/dd/yyyy. Month and year are notched on the left side of the front label. Example: 0839 would mean it was bottled on the 83rd day of 2009 (Mar. Format is MM/DD/YY and is 6 months from bottling. Shows the Julian date on all bottles. Kern River:Uses abottlingdate. Snoqualmie Falls:Uses abottlingdate. Starr Hill:Uses apackaged ondate. There is a 9 digit number on the lower-right part of the label, or the bottom of the can: the format is YYMMDDXXX, where the packaging date is MM/DD/YY. It's on the bottom in Julian fashion (first 3 numbers are the day of the year and the last 2 numbers are the year itself).
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