Indian Arts and Crafts Board Articles (U.S. Department of Interior) Although maintained as four discrete components, the Object, Photo Archive, Media Archive, and Paper Archive collections are deeply intertwined since each contains items that relate to one another: Photo and Media Archives include images of objects in use in Native communities or excavation contexts and the Paper Archive includes fieldnotes and documentation for all aspects of the combined collections. Four Winds Gallery - Pittsburgh, PA collections, and estates. Museum of Indian Arts & Culture - Santa Fe, NM Thousands of years before America was "discovered," Native Americans were creating objects for everyday use that would one day be considered works of art. The two primary appraisals are 1) current replacement value, and 2) fair market value. We are currently buying quality Roseville, Rookwood, Van Briggle, Weller, Teco, Grueby, Newcomb, George Ohr, Marblehead, Frankoma, Ephraim, Fulper . I specialize in the following Overall, 55 percent of the collection is archaeological, 43 percent ethnographic, and 2 percent modern and contemporary arts. and well made Paleo flint and large Dalton points Given the 1970 passage of UNESCO regulations controlling antiquities exports from Latin America, and North American Indian peoples continuing ambivalence about archaeology, there is little expectation for substantial growth of the archaeological collections. We feature guides for thirty-seven Telephone: 505-988-9544 As a result, they have become highly sought after by collectors and museums. NATC appraisals follow high professional standards to determine value, beginning with actual physical inspection of the items. I pay the shipping and insurance to you, Be sure to look at our Art Fairs Guide Free & $20 Online Appraisals What is an Appraisal?Appraisals of personal property (i.e. Have been a Santa Fe tradition for over 30 years. Available exclusively from Littleton Coin Company in North America - these Native American quarters depict and honor prominent Native American tribes from each of the 50 states!