Check out the new Power Platform Communities Front Door Experience. Ramole DavidZoon We are excited to share the Power Platform Communities Front Door experience with you! Featuring guest speakers such as Charles Lamanna, Heather Cook, Julie Strauss, Nirav Shah, Ryan Cunningham, Sangya Singh, Stephen Siciliano, Hugo Bernier and many more. Could you please give some more example if I am doing anything wrong here. Snowflake connector native query support - Power Platform Release Plan Pstork1* Inspect the formula bar of the last step to better understand how your connector should navigate to the target of your native queries before executing them. WiZey This selection brings you to the Power Query editor and a preview of what's effectively the target of your native query since all native queries should run at the database level. This has solved my problem, hope this will help others to resolve same. Solved: Re: "Native queries aren't supported by this value - Power BI The first contains those values that are entered by the end-user, such as the name of the server or the database, in this case. The file that contains the SQL query is a Jtwig template where we can apply validations modifying the whole query, adding filters, changing links between tables, and finally any changes in SQL. Because of this, I decided to create the "Spring Native Query" library to facilitate the execution of native queries, with a focus on simplifying the source code, making it more readable and clean, creating files that contain the native queries, and dynamically injecting assets to execute those queries. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. You connection is using a OData connection, so it is possible that the OData data source may not support Query Folding. Should I re-do this cinched PEX connection? Database name. However, this is just a starting point for the optimizations. All sample source code is in GitHub. Has anyone been diagnosed with PTSD and been able to get a first class medical? PowerRanger It was fixed for me when I have appended [EnableFolding=false] keyword in the native query. How do you execute a SnowFlake Stored Procedure in Power BI? To preserve query folding after a native query, and assuming that your connector has query folding capabilities, you can use the following sample code for EnableFolding = true. Running native queries to a relational database using Java often leads to confusing the source code, particularly when one has too many filter conditions and/or changes in table bindings. I just triple checked to be sure and same error. If the query produces multiple result sets, only the first will be returned. To make the connection, take the following steps: Select the Snowflake option in the connector selection. Anchov Parabolic, suborbital and ballistic trajectories all follow elliptic paths. EricRegnier Tried different warehouses and it worked. BCBuizer Lets start with a reference and understand the consequences later.