Neutropenia or febrile neutropenia incidence were increased when trastuzumab was coadministered with myelosuppressive chemotherapy. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Use Caution/Monitor. Brentuximab vedotin desensitization in a patient with refractory Hodgkin's lymphoma. Lynch RC, Cassaday RD, Smith SD, Fromm JR, Cowan AJ, Warren EH, Shadman MS, Shustov A, Till BG, Ujjani CS, Libby EN 3rd, Philip M, Coye H, Martino CN, Bhark SL, Morris K, Rasmussen H, Behnia S, Voutsinas J, Gopal AK. Recognizing that the CAR-T-associated NT represents a unique syndrome that would benefit from a unified scale, the multiinstitution CAR-T cell-therapy-associated Toxicity (CARTOX) Working Group introduced the term CAR-T cell-Related Encephalopathy Syndrome (CRES).23 The CARTOX group created a CRES grading system that included a 10-point questionnaire (CARTOX-10), designed to capture subtle to severe cognitive and attentive dysfunction. informational and educational purposes only. We conclude that CTCAE v4.03 was not designed for, and is suboptimal for, grading CAR-T cell therapy-associated NT. Consider dose reduction of the sensitive CYP3A4 substrate(s) if unable to avoid. Monitor Closely (1)brentuximab vedotin decreases effects of cholera vaccine by immunosuppressive effects; risk of infection. Furthermore, the medical experts in this study identified fewer cases of clinically relevant CAR-T cell therapy-related NT by CTCAE criteria compared with those listed in the FDA label. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 0000001368 00000 n 8600 Rockville Pike . Monitor patients for adverse reactions. Avoid concomitant use of tucatinib with CYP3A substrates, where minimal concentration changes may lead to serious or life-threatening toxicities. Steroid use by CTCAE, mCRES, and ASTCT grade, Steroid use in patients with NT per CTCAE, but no NT per mCRES and ASTCT criteria, The CTCAE grades by medical experts also varied from those reported by the FDA, using a broader definition based on the CTCAE system (Table 5). Use Caution/Monitor. rifampin decreases levels of brentuximab vedotin by affecting hepatic/intestinal enzyme CYP3A4 metabolism. Use Caution/Monitor. . Use Caution/Monitor. The investigators thank the patients, their families, and the clinical study teams who participated in the JULIET trial. Monitor Closely (1)nelfinavir increases levels of brentuximab vedotin by affecting hepatic/intestinal enzyme CYP3A4 metabolism.