You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. If this is the case, you can try upgrading to a newer network adapter. You can do this by first forgetting the network on Windows 10 or forgetting the network on Windows 11. Whether it won't connect to the internet or doesn't show up in your Wi-Fi settings at all, here's how to get your router working again. Thanks. Even if you have Gigabit-speed Internet with a fast modem and router, if you connect the modem to your router with a Cat5 cable, the cable limits all connected devices to 100 Mbps. To the question of SSID, the SSID is set to broadcast, but drops from view on all devices that can utilize the 5ghz band (I have several). If your router uses any custom configuration, it might be affecting your connection speed. What channel is yours set at? In addition to troubleshooting your router, make sure you're getting the internet speed you're paying for. Higher frequency bands enable faster connections, but they have less range and cannot penetrate solid objects like walls and floors. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. you set a one is free. To ensure that your NETGEAR device works at its maximum potential, make sure that it's running the latest firmware. You'll find the option to update in the advanced tab in the app and under the administration section. If you can't connect to the router's network at all, it could be due to one of the following reasons: Your modem and your internet package also limit your connection. Jonathan Fisher is a CompTIA certified technologist with more than 6 years' experience writing for publications like TechNorms and Help Desk Geek. GearHead Support is a technical support service for NETGEAR devices and all other connected devices in your home. If you can't move the router to a more central location, there are some things you can do. How do I update the firmware on my NETGEAR router with the Nighthawk app? Never had an issue with 2.4 GHz. Specifically, are they secure and in the correct places. 2,4 GHz still looks good. My problem was resolved by the .80 firmware. Higher frequency bands provide a faster connection, but have less range, and cannot penetrate solid objects like walls and floors. All routers need an antenna, whether internal or external, to work properly. I can't get above 150mbps on 20MHz _________________ Netgear R7800 Past dd-wrt routers: Linksys WRT3200ACM Buffalo WZR-1750DHP Linksys E4200 v1 Linksys E3000 Would be helpful if folks stated what version of firmware you are running.