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Choosing an RN Program in New Mexico offers several additional resources to learn about selecting an appropriate professional nursing program. National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nursing Licensure for Internationally Educated Nurses, uniform licensure requirements for a multistate license, Credentials evaluation (to compare your education to nursing education in the U.S.), Board of Nursing (BON) contact information. The candidate schedules a computer adapted exam sometime within the eligibility window that the ATT grants. Statute 32-1601 , Statute 32-1632, and Statute 32-1634. Instructional Support Provider Superintendent Recommendation Form, Levels and Duration of License NMAC Code, Alternative Licensure Program Opportunities, Alternative Administrator License (Pre K-12), Alternative Post-Secondary Experience (Pre K-12), Alternative-Student Success Advisor (7-12), Online Portfolio for Alternative Licensure Pathway (OPAL), District Superintendents/HR Information, Alcohol, Drug and Substance Abuse Counselor (Pre K-12), Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (Pre K-12), Early Childhood: Pre- Kindergarten 3rd Grade, Mobility Trainer for the Blind (Pre K-12), Native American Language and Culture Certificate (Pre K-12), School Behavioral Health Counselor (Pre K-12), Teacher License Advancement (Dossiers & APLI-II), APLI-II Licensure Advancement for Level I Teachers, Supporting Veterans, Active Military/Spouses, Official sealed transcripts with Associates degree conferred from a regionally accredited college or university or from an institution accredited by the National League of Nursing or a diploma program in nursing accredited by the National League of Nursing or compact license; and. Additional resources if you want to learn more about Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC): Hi! The New Mexico Nurses Association is an organization that represents nurses and helps them stay current with their training; it does not license individuals or give them the legal authority to practice. 2. Could you please clarify this for me? How Does the Nursing Compact Benefit the Healthcare System? Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNM) are independent practitioners educated in the disciplines of Midwifery and Nursing. Youve probably heard this term thrown around either in conversation with your nursing school colleagues or your fellow RNs. Healthcare professional mobility is a valuable asset in difficult times, as well. Nurse Licensure Compact: Your Guide to Multistate License, Compact for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses. It is only issued if the candidates licensing application packet arrives within 12 weeks of graduation. If you move permanently from a compact state to a non-compact state, your PSOR changes, and your multistate license will no longer be valid. Our pre-licensure programs include Practical Nursing Diploma; LPN to RN Bridge; ADN and BSN. Obtaining Your New Mexico Nursing License | Fastaff Travel Nursing Reexamination (RN/LPN) (As of October 1, 2017) You can do so by using. Mail the request and fee to Tennessee Board of Nursing, 665 Mainstream Drive, Nashville, TN 37243. The New Mexico Department of Public Safety will be transitioning to a new fingerprint supported background checks provider, IDEMIA, effective May 1, 2023. This is an agreement among states that allows Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses to have one license but have the right to practice nursing in any state partaking in the arrangement . State boards of nursing issue nursing licenses in terms of state legislation, and previously nurses could only provide nursing services to clients living in the states where they held a license.

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new mexico board of nursing compact license