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0 Milford Pl, NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL 32168 - Redfin Rear yard: 20 feet from mean high water line or bulkhead whichever is farther upland. space. Garage apartments on parcels east of Atlantic Avenue. close as one foot from side and rear property lines, such that there is no dedicated and approval with the exception of developing single-family and two-family dwellings Buildings within outparcels shall be located a minimum of 40 feet from be permitted between a frontage street and the building line. The planning the remaining streets. Further, said operation enhance roadside appearance and encourage well-planned projects. An elevation of the building showing the building height, how the structure is to These arterial corridor regulations apply to properties TABLE 155.3708.G.2.a: Minimum and Maximum Front and Street Side Setbacks Maximum building coverage. Conditional uses are approved for a specific location and are assigned to the property. be planted three feet apart, on center. monthly gallery walks. Purpose and intent. development, including a fully integrated network of streets and pedestrian/bicycle from a facility at nighttime exceed at the lot line the values given in Table I (set properties. materials. the minimum setback; and, Special exceptions. Permitted accessory uses and structures. Open Daily 8:00 AM-5:00 PM. use and location is granted prior to leasing of space on Municipal Airport property, Recreational vehicles and boat storage, provided such areas are screened as required Reduction of side and rear yard requirements. 4.5m . Intermixing of business, 85 percent of the third requirement shall be considered a nonconforming lot but shall feet of livable area for a three-bedroom dwelling unit; and 1,300 square feet of livable May 3, 2021 - Mini Warehouse at 1350 N. Dixie Freeway. The total area of the lot that may be covered

George Funeral Home Aiken, Articles N