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The dealer's receipt must include his or her federal and state license numbers along with a complete description of the handgun. By year's end, the State Police plan to institute an online recertification process for permit holders. This is the new 16 hour class, (Also called the 16+2 class or 18 hour class), that NY State now requires all NY State residents take to apply for a NY State Concealed Carry license. Require monthly checks of permit holders to determine if they have criminal convictions or court orders that may disqualify them from having concealed carry permits. A handgun can only be purchased through a Federal and New York State licensed handgun dealer. All fees are non-refundable. Licenses are not required for individuals who possessed semiautomatic rifles before September 4, 2022. Subject to limited exceptions, possession of a handgun or rifle/shotgun in New York City requires a license (for handguns) or a permit (for rifles/shotguns) issued by the NYPD License Division. Contact your NYS DEC Regional Permit Administrator for assistance with these permits. The NYPD License Division is located at One Police Plaza, Room 110A, in Lower Manhattan, and is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM until 3:30 PM. The new regulations, part of the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement (SAFE) Act passed in 2013, include deadlines for firearm owners based on the date that they originally were issued their license. This coupon will be needed to remove the weapon from the sellers pistol permit. Permits issued after January 31, 2013, were due to recertify five years after the permit issue date, and every five years thereafter. However,existing county fees associated with new applications and amendments still apply, State Police said. Navigation Menu Toggle. The dealer will give you a receipt to give to the PistolLicense Unitto have the handgun removed from your license. The State Police and state Division of Criminal Justice Services also developedFrequently Asked Questions about the new gun lawsfor the public, gun owners, and gun dealers. All Pistol Permit Packets ready for submission may be turned in to the Records Department at the Sheriff's Office between the hours of 8:00 am and 2:00 pm. We appreciate GovernorHochul'sefforts to incorporate county feedback during the implementation process. Welcome to Franklin County, NY Always keep your finger off the trigger and outside the trigger guard unless you intend to fire the weapon. The Court's decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen removed a key element of New York's gun laws, making it easier to obtain a license to carry a firearm in New York's public spaces. (p. 30). Pistol Permits - Dutchess County Government NYC, Westchester, Suffolk and Nassau Counties pistol licensees are exempt from the state process since these municipalities has their own re-certification and renewal procedures in place. This site is best viewed with javascript enabled. One can do it online by visiting the NYS Police Pistol Permit Recertification websiteand following the instructions. ", New York CityMayor Eric Adamssaid,"The U.S. Supreme Court'sBruendecision was the shot heard round the world that took dead aim at the safety of all New Yorkers. Monroe County, NY - Pistol Permits Requests for permit transfers (a change in facility ownership or a change in permittee name) require completion of an Application for Permit Transfer form (PDF). Copy freely. Governor Hochul Announces New Concealed Carry Laws Passed in Response to Reckless Supreme Court Decision Take Effect September 1, 2022, State Department of Environmental Conservation's website.

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