If youre wondering how this can happen, here are a few examples. It is very typical of people to forget their login credentials, it is the same with the staff working at the company. If you're an employer in the UK it is recommended to assign payroll numbers to employees to help keep track of their deductions and payments more conveniently. Payroll queries can't be handled over the phone due to the need for ID checks - the quickest way of resolving payroll issues is to log in via the links above. Payroll numbers usually appear at the bottom of the pay slip. He or she might be able to tell you where it is located. Please note that for all new trainees we will require the submission of your starter pack documents before we can proceed with a reference. We frequently get requests for help regarding understanding the mysteries of Doctorspayslips. In some cases, employers allow employees to choose their own payroll numbers. Payroll numbers are used by employers to track their employees pay. PDF ESR Employee Self Service at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Trust Payroll - NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership "NWSSP" Thanks for setting up your website. NHS Payslip Explained: Will NHS Staff Get A Pay Rise In 2022? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Firstly, you need to visit the ESR portal by browsing the link http://my.esr.nhs.uk. To contact the NES payroll team, please go to https://nesdigital.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portals and select Finance Service Desk. It's a chaotic world for workforce planning laws. Medical specialty trainees current salary scales are details in the current pay circular here: http://www.msg.scot.nhs.uk/pay/medical/junior-doctors, Agenda for change Public Health trainees current salary scales are detailed in the current pay circular here: http://www.msg.scot.nhs.uk/pay/agenda-for-change. Great company. How do I advise you of a change to my bank/personal details? PAYROLL PROCESSING DATES Details of when the payrolls are expected to run, BACS dates, request for printed payslips and any retro arrears processes need to be submitted for the new VPD. Payroll numbers are very important for companies. The Electronic Staff Record (ESR) is a payroll database system commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Care that NHS organisations are entitledto use free of charge. When your lead employer is NHSGGC and you are on placement within the West Region the following payroll and expense forms will apply: Your payslips are electronic through the NHS GGC ePayroll system. If you need to check your own paycheck, youll be able to find the payroll number on the back of the envelope. Looking at all the numbers in your wage slip might be intimidating. The above-mentioned article provides you with detailed information about the NHS payslip explained online portal along with its features, registration, NHS payslip payroll number and viewing wage Slips process.