Your story is such a beautiful one, thank you beautiful souls. With an outburst that could be mistaken for Tourettes, Karen yells, Get f*#!ked! It seems that even for the insanely intuitive and talented Karen, this is all starting to get pretty wild. Thank you . So proud of you Kate. Want to call in your soulmate? Like his music, there are many layers to Nick Broadhurst. Remember it well! You were. Love and blessings, Amy. I teared up while Nick was describing how the one makes you feel seen for who you truly are for the first time. Loved that episode Nick and Mel; raw, honest and such courage allowing yourself to be so vulnerable with listeners. However over the last few years hes become quite disheartened & not enjoying his work at all. I love love love this song the one makes my heart sing well done, Your love and admiration for each other is inspirational x o. I listened to this one a while ago but never got a chance to let you know I was truly inspired by how open and honest and loving you both are; thank you for being so brave and sharing!! I would be beyond grateful if you could leave me a 5 star review; and please at the same time, leave a comment as well and tell me what you love, tell me what you want to hear more of. Thank you Melissa for the beautiful energy you put out into this world, the space you create in your day to serve yourself so that you may serve others. There is nothing sexier than a man fostering his feminine. Isgho Votre ducation notre priorit . . In another release called Take Me Down I write about how fearhas over the years stopped me from unleashing my full creative potential (until now, take that! Experience mind-blowing and deeply soulful sex? Nick & Melissa's Wedding (Nick Broadhurst & Melissa Ambrosini Love Fest Its beautiful how the universe always gives you exactly what you need at the right time. I would love to hear from you, so please tag me @IAmNickBroadhurston social media, and use the hashtag #TheNickBroadhurstShow, or leave me a comment below (I read every single one!). I Iistened to this podcast last night. Jan 2018 - Present5 years 4 months. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Multiple bestselling author, #1 podcast host and TEDx speaker. My arm gives her the answer. Im struggling with my partner at the moment and feel myself constantly nagging to try and get him to open up to his full potential and grow with me, but its having the opposite effect. Based on timezones and locations of my birth and Lennies death, that places us 7 days apart. Mastering Your Mean Girl is about that negative, fear-based voice inside your head that says you cant do something. It was so loving to hear the way to communicated and shared and loved.