COVID-19 Guidance; Health Care Services; Disability Programs; Family Programs; . Covers the South Suburban Region. Third-party contract providers should familiarize themselves with the NJ Department of Human Services Contract Policy and Information Manual. Get In support of this, the Division funds rental subsidies for individuals living in provider-managed settings, as well as those renting from private landlords. ACCESSING DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITY SERVICES IN NEW JERSEY . Serves as the Quality Enhancement Unit Supervisor. Current SDEs (with a hire date on or prior to December 1, 2022) have until June 1, 2023 to complete all required trainings and submit the signed Training Certification Form or the CPR/First Aid Recertification Form. Provides administrative support for the Bureau of Reimbursement and Program Support. Specializes in Critical Incident Reporting and Analysis System (CIRAS). Serves as the Deputy Director of the Ligas Consent Decree. Google Translate is an online service for which the user pays nothing to obtain a purported language translation. The State of NJ site may contain optional links, information, services and/or content from other websites operated by third parties that are provided as a convenience, such as Google Translate. Handles waiver services requests, individual/family inquires, provider inquiries, Independent Service Coordination agency inquiries. /N 3 @~ (* {d+}G}WL$cGD2QZ4 E@@ A(q`1D `'u46ptc48.`R0) Adult Day Services (DDD) Adult Protective Services (DoAS) Adult Social Day Care (DoAS) Adults with Autism Task Force - Final Report (DDD) Advisory Committee for Alcohol & Drug Programs for Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Disabled. stream Specializes in provider enrollment/IMPACT. Serves as the Division's Administrator for supported employment. Previously, Emily was a DDD Regional Staff Nurse at S tate of New Jersey and also held positions at Developmental Disabilities Nurses Association. %PDF-1.7 1-800-843-6154 Covers North Suburban, City of Chicago (Cook County), and South Suburb Regions. Handles waiver services requests, individual/family inquires, provider inquiries, Independent Service Coordination agency inquiries. If the mandatory trainings and the Training Certification Form or CPR/First Aid Recertification Form are not completed and submitted to PPL via or via fax to 1-844-842-5978 within the required timeframe, you will be unable to provide services and receive payment. Oversees Community Services, Quality Management and Enhancement, and the Waiver Management Unit. Home, DHS -#Da`pcgeLG99*[rL(S8911Q_}U2i_8G^s=bZa|%OTZa*_r~6~_6MM}dU9U}(0|Ho2l,ruR8MpX#)8pK#`[|&XRSL*X3(07ZX`fT%2OQDc@JjqbY5g|^WZsk854\Rz263\6Khe Serves as Deputy Director of the Bureau of Clinical Services. Division of Developmental Disabilities | Provider Information - State