outline: none; The region-wide average temperature was 27.4 degrees F (-2.6 C) which was 5.3 degrees F (2.9 C) above normal. The statewide monthly average temperatures were as follows: Arkansas 55.20 degrees F (12.89 degrees C), Louisiana 62.20 degrees F (16.78 degrees C), Mississippi 60.20 degrees F (15.67 degrees C), Oklahoma 53.80 degrees F (12.11 degrees C), Tennessee 53.60 degrees F (12.00 degrees C), and Texas 59.30 degrees F (15.17 degrees C). and has notundergone final quality control by the National Climatic Data Center. In the Intermountain West, recent storms improved mountain snowpack conditions, but basin-level snow water equivalent (SWE) continued to lag behind normal levels across most of the region with the Four Corners states continuing to experience substantial longer-term (6 to 36 months) precipitation deficits. In contrast, the wettest locations were located across southern Georgia, central South Carolina, and eastern North Carolina. background-image: url(/images/dmx/highslide/graphics/loader.white.gif); Grand Forks probably the coldest on record there. For the Northeast, extremes in warm minimum temperatures, wet PDSI and days without precipitation were above average. The National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), is a sub-bureau of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Initially, In fact, several locations have had consecutive top 10 warmest months recently. Doug Burgum speaks at the state Capitol on April 10, 2020, in Bismarck, N.D. Burgum signed a bill Tuesday that limits access to bathrooms, locker rooms and shower rooms . Precipitation for all 12 Northeast states ranged from 57 percent of normal in Pennsylvania to 80 percent of normal in West Virginia. Above average . The coldest month in North Dakota is January, where temperatures range from 2F (-16.7C) in the north and 17F (-8.3C) in the south. The northern parts of New Hampshire are affected by strong arctic winds from Canada, causing more aggressive cold fronts. Population by
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