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Well we have brought you some cute and funny biology pick up lines. Its for a science project. Youre so hot, you denature my proteins., 4. You have 206 bones in your body want one more?, 34. Smile, make eye contact, and take your time. A man who can make them laugh even at the most ridiculous jokes. Trust me, I know how to palpate you right! Youre like an exothermic reaction, you spread your hotness everywhere. "If I was endoplasmic reticulum I'd be ribbed for your pleasure." 4. Are you the optic chiasm because you turned my world around. If I was an endoplasmic reticulum, how would you want me: smooth or rough?, 24. Want to test the spring constant of my mattress? I cant introduce foreign bodies to my system, but for you Ill make an exception. Soul Bond: How To Actually Make Amazing And Unique Bonds, Physics Pick Up Lines: How To Easily Let People Know You're Super Clever, 5 Facts About Attraction: The Science Behind It All, 86 Best Harry Potter Trivia Questions And Answers, 71 Romantic Valentines Day Captions for the Love of Your Life, 50 Dirty Things to Say Your Romantic Partner Will Absolutely Love, 60 Amusing Emoji Riddles With Answers - Perfect Puzzles To Play With Friends, 7 Unique Traits Of A Zeta Male - Helpful List To Understand This Great Personality, Theta Male: How To Have An Enlightened Mind That Makes You Happy, 50 Easter Riddles With Answers - Easy Trivia People Will Enjoy, 20 Awesome Alpha Male Quotes to Help You Live an Epic Life, Copyright Boureston Media Inc // All Rights Reserved | Contact Us | Work with Us | Disclosures: Terms & Conditions | Privacy | Accessibility | Cookies | Disclosure | FTC | Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Because Im feeling the urge to give you CPR. I think we could have some great chemistry together. Here are some Nucleus Pick Up Lines which you can use on someone. Tell her she's worthy of a Nobel Prize while you're at it! With out you Im relatively nothing. I didnt plan on specializing, but you seem pretty special to me. You took my breath away. Nothing says perfect pair like some natural flowing water. Name: Nucleus Favorite Pick up Line: "You're so pretty, I get all twisted up inside." Bio: I am a positive vibe person and love to be the center of attention. Mine needs a workout. 160 Funny Medical Pick-Up Lines That Are Unforgettable You must be the one for me Since my selectively permeable membrane lets you through. I know hundreds of Pi digits, but what I really want to know is the 7 digits of your phone number. Could you tell me the oxidation state of this atom and your phone number? I must be a diamond now because you just gave me a hardness of 10. Are you made of Copper and Tellurium. Any pickup lines involving cell membranes? New suggested level 1 4y. Gravity not only pulls you down, but it can also push you together. Check them out! Are you a start codon? Do you want to work with me to convert our potential energy into kinetic energy? 1. Here is a downloadable list of biology pick up lines (right-click the image and select Save Image As): If youre a little worried about picking the best pick up lines, you can rest easy.

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