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The Doctors helps you understand the latest health headlines, delivers exclusive interviews with celebrities dealing with health issues, debates and investigates health and safety claims, explains the latest viral videos and how you can avoid emergency situations, and serves up celebrity chefs to share the hottest and healthiest recipes and foods. I looked presentable because it was very meaningful to me. The other women were necessary in order to hold down the person being branded. The women, both in their early 40s, were close and Ms. Edmondson regarded Ms. Salzman as a confidante and mentor. Doja Cat Becomes an Actual Cat for Met Gala. Smallville star Allison. India also spoke with People ahead of the upcoming STARZ documentary Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult and gave more disturbing details about that night in January 2016. In May, Sarah Edmondson began to recoil from her embrace of the secret society. Humans can be noble, he says on his website. Smallville actress Allison Mack gave the Brooklyn U.S. attorneys office substantial assistance in its case against NXIVM sex-cult leader Keith Raniere, including an incriminating recording, federal prosecutors said, in arguing that she should receive a lesser sentence. His lawyer, Marc Agnifilo, said in an email on Sunday that Mr. Raniere played a role in the creation of the subset but was not a member. It was about trust. Something like, Please brand me, it would be an honor, something like that. In an exclusive video clip obtained by NXIVM sex cult member Sarah Edmondson tells A&E about the 'excruciating' moment she was seared open with a hot iron and branded with leader . 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Appeals court upholds sentences for NXIVM sex cult leaders, Nxivm sex cult leader Keith Raniere claims prison transfer puts his life at risk, Nxivm leader Keith Raniere claims feds conspiring against him with 'hermaphrodite' cellmate, Nxivm leader complains fellow sex trafficker left him dizzy after prison beatdown. By John Riley May 20, 2019. Ms. Oxenberg had become increasingly concerned about her 26-year-old daughter, India, who looked emaciated from dieting. The branding video depicted Sarah naked and being branded and stating, as she . The proposition seemed like a test of trust. NXIVM presented itself as a company offering self-help classes. Danielle Roberts branded the women of NXIVMs elite society known as Dominus Obsequious Sororium (DOS) and says she has no regrets. Unbridled Evil: The Corrupt Reign of Jiang Zemin in China. There was ambient light. Before quitting, Mr. Ames went to Nxivms offices in Albany to collect money he said the group owed him. Dr. Roberts and Dr. Porter also did not respond to inquiries. Things you buy through our links may earnVox Mediaa commission. He was convicted of racketeering, racketeering conspiracy, wire-fraud conspiracy, forced-labor conspiracy, sex-trafficking conspiracy, and two counts of sex trafficking on June 19, 2019, after a six-week trial. Most participants take some workshops, like the groups Executive Success Programs, and resume their lives.

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