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The National Sentry Program reinforces Canadas commitment to remember and honour those Canadians who served in the major wars of the twentieth century, including both World Wars, as well as those who have contributed to Canadas long-standing tradition of military excellence through to the present day. Rotation Bars are awarded to recognize a further 180days of eligible service following qualification for the Medal or the last Rotation Bar the person has earned. It is awarded for 30 cumulative days of service between 7 October 2001 and 14 May 2014, or 21 cumulative days of service from 15 May 2014 onwards. Service of members of the Defence Team deployed to Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania or Poland with US units as part of OP ATLANTIC RESOLVE. Rotation bars have been created to recognize long periods of service in a theatre. Service of CAF members with USCENTCOM Forward Jordan (CF-J), King Abdullah Special Operations Training Centre (KASOTC), Amman, Jordan. 0000003599 00000 n The OSM was created in Toronto by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on 5 July 2010. To be eligible, service and direct support must be performed under exceptional circumstances and the person must have been deployed specifically to provide that service or support on a full-time basis to the operations. %%EOF Veteran Archive - Canadian Military Family Magazine Canadian Armed Forces Current Operations Map. RIMPAC provides a training opportunity for multiple nations, by building a coalition of capable, adaptive partners. Canada, along with multiple other NATO nations, test current, near-term, experimental, and future networking capabilities that allow military commanders to communicate globally and make timely decisions. o:3#e6").\TeBe/c[Z~JLInOofy.O'&en2y<7DLd*)_N>LUj0sdR:`2VDe>\_V)FYP**taH^j5)mRW>7LnrznscTee^33B+'m&eRSUe&;dN~G9sk~_4uMs,Fn6y.~.SyS)yo^-m'cV5^T7MumEZ3e0}2-2m3%?r.FjY|$~u~Ri),O|NgBf ]XXXdJZcu 6/ wc+ Operation NEON is Canadas contribution to a coordinated multinational effort to support the implementation of United Nations Security Council sanctions imposed against North Korea. 0000002236 00000 n You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. by this website which may effect your viewing experience. 0000002030 00000 n the establishment of Caribbean Task Force headquarters to conduct effective security operations. [z6IVSOw'=*2>xTY6vQ]0~aN[jgV3mUuwoQ The operation is not conducted year-round. CAF personnel have contributed to this mission three times, in 2013, 2014 and 2016. Service of CAF members deployed with OP PROJECTION outside the land, air space and territorial waters of Canada. RMC Cadet wins Top Spot at Relentless Warrior The inaugural presentation ceremony took place on 6 December 2010 in the Ballroom of Rideau Hall in Ottawa. Appendix 8 - Expedition Bar to the Special Service Medal the operational planning and execution of maritime and land security operations, dive operations. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Service of members of the Defence Team deployed with the Military Assistance Team (MAT) Ukraine to Germany, Poland and Ukraine, in direct support of OP GLOBE. The EXPEDITION bar was created on 21May 2014. September 7, 2016 - Ottawa - National Defence / Canadian Armed Forces. According to CANFORGEN 025/23, on Sept. 16, 2022, the Minister of National Defence approved the new designation.

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